
New book release

Finally I am glad to announce a new release of the book. Chapter 9 has now been completed. This chapter contains the following features:

1. A review of all the components available in the GUI builder covering their properties. A picture of each control is included to allow you to see what each control looks like.

2. The continuation of the HTML editor project. We complete the design of the interface.

Chapter 11 has been expanded to cover Naming Conventions and this is fully implemented in the example project.

Further enhancements include the version number and release date on page 2 so that you can see if your copy is the latest.

The accompanying source code has been released along with a zip file containing 4 images needed to complete the sample project.

The CHM release will come a little later. As will the initial Spanish release.

As ever enjoy this release and report any problems or improvements needed.


Posted by Sof.T 2007-06-25

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