
#13 [wxSqlite3] Add ability to check Statement accessibility


Please, add ability to check statement accessibility without throwing exception, e.g. like IsOk() function for some classes in wx


  • madnut_ua

    madnut_ua - 2008-12-26
    • assigned_to: nobody --> utelle
  • Ulrich Telle

    Ulrich Telle - 2008-12-29
    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • Ulrich Telle

    Ulrich Telle - 2008-12-29

    I'll add method IsOk to the classes wxSQLite3Statement, wxSQLite3Resultset and wxSQLite3Table. This method will return TRUE if a SQLite database resp. statement resp. resultset is associated with the class instance. Class wxSQLite3Database already has method IsOpen checking whether a SQLite database is associated.

    Nevertheless verifiying that method IsOk returns TRUE, does not guarantee that no exception will be thrown on calling other class methods. They could fail due to a SQLite error.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Ok, thanks for this. It would be great!

  • Ulrich Telle

    Ulrich Telle - 2008-12-31
    • status: open-accepted --> closed-fixed
  • Ulrich Telle

    Ulrich Telle - 2008-12-31

    As announced in my previous comment I added the method IsOk to the named classes. The new code is currently available in the SVN repository only, but will be included in the next file release, of course.


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