
#212 I can run only 8 service instances no more

Service (34)

I have installed wrapper for run more servers with different configuration. I can start only first 8 instances and next I get message "Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion."
It looks like some limit problem in the wrapper if it is started as service.
If I run it from command line with -t option I can run more then 8 instances.

Jiri Malak


  • Leif Mortenson

    Leif Mortenson - 2008-12-25
    • assigned_to: nobody --> mortenson
  • Leif Mortenson

    Leif Mortenson - 2008-12-25

    When you attempt to run the 9th application, are you getting anything in your wrapper.log file? We have tested over 30 instances in the past without any problems. I am wondering what the resources look like on your system. How large are each of the 8 applications. What does your overall system memory look like?


  • Leif Mortenson

    Leif Mortenson - 2008-12-25

    I went back today and retested this with 10 services and worked for me on this test machine. I used a system running Windows XP 64-bit system using 32-bit copies of the Wrapper.


  • Leif Mortenson

    Leif Mortenson - 2008-12-25

    I also tested 10 servieces on Windows XP 32-bit. It works correctly for me there as well.

    Hopefully the cause can be found in your wrapper.log file.


  • Rob

    Rob - 2009-11-24

    Hi Mortenson, I also have this problem and have regularly had the limit of 8 on XP servers, but I now have a limit of 5 on Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition. The odd thing is that the 'service did not start in a timely fashion' error is shown immediately I attempt to start the service, rather than after a timeout. Also, nothing is logged in the wrapper.log file. It's almost like Windows fails the service start even before the wrapper gets going. Any help would be appreciated......thanks Rob

  • Leif Mortenson

    Leif Mortenson - 2009-11-25

    This has been an issue that a few people have reported over the years. We have never been able to reproduce it however. I have run 50 Wrappers at once in the past without problems while trying to track this down.

    We will take a look at it again. Could you answer a few questions?

    1) What is the Wrapper version you are using?
    2) What is your total system memory?
    3) What is the in use memory at the time of the error?
    4) When you can't start a service, can you start the same service in a console?
    5) When the service fails to start, could you enable wrapper.debug=true and see if you get anything in your wrapper.log file?
    6) When the service fails to start, are there any messages in the EventLog?



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