
#139 wrapper.on_exit.default=RESTART


Running on Linux (MDK 2006.0 and earlier at least)
under JRockit 1.5.0_04 (R26.0.0) this feature appears
not to work at all. It DID at one time, however with
this setting in the wrapper config file when the
wrapped java program calls System.exit(0) or any of the
wrapper manager restart methods I simply get:

wrapper | <-- Wrapper Stopped

instead of any attempt by the wrapper to restart JVM.
In all other respects things seem to work fine. The
previous version of our program used an older version
of the service wrapper and seemed to work great, it
could shut itself down at the end of each day and a new
copy would get started. I CAN simply run the same
instance of the program forever (custom network
service), but ideally I'd feel better if I could
restart it once a day just to give it a fresh start in
case of problems.

Besides, if it ever DOES crash, it really does need to
restart ASAP...


  • Leif Mortenson

    Leif Mortenson - 2006-10-14

    Logged In: YES

    There a was a bug in the way shutdown JVMs were being
    detected which was causing this on some systems. I made
    some changes for the 3.2.2 release which should have
    resolved this. Could you give the 3.2.2 release a try?


  • Leif Mortenson

    Leif Mortenson - 2006-10-14
    • assigned_to: nobody --> mortenson
    • status: open --> open-fixed
  • Leif Mortenson

    Leif Mortenson - 2006-10-17
    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed

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