
WrapLog / News: Recent posts

WrapLog 1.2 released

This release adds template based logging, for example:"{} is {} years old", name, new Integer(age));

This allows to get rid of "if logger.isInfoEnabled()" code without taking a performance hit.

Furthermore it is now possible to specify a error handler for messages that cannot be logged because for example the disk with the log file became full. The default handler throws a LoggingException (like version 1.1 did).

Posted by Thomas Aglassinger 2005-11-27

WrapLog 1.1 released.

WrapLog is a tiny Java logging package that can "wrap" around other logging packages, thus removing the need to stick to a certain one. This is particular useful for Java libraries that want to leave the choice for a logging packing to the client code.

This release cleans a few things and improves the output of SystemLogger.

Posted by Thomas Aglassinger 2005-03-06