
wotonomy / News: Recent posts

Wotonomy moves to Subversion

Wotonomy project, an open-source, clean-room application environment and persistence system, has migrated from CVS to subversion. This should allow for more precise control as the project's underlying structure is refactored to be more "maven friendly".

Wotonomy implements a WebObjects-like API and deploys in any J2EE 1.2+ compliant servlet container.

Posted by Christian Edward Gruber 2006-03-11

Wotonomy moves to maven, removes non-free software

The Wotonomy project - an open-source web application and persistence framework, is undergoing a shift to a maven-based build process. The project's various packages have been moved to subprojects with interdependencies handled by the maven2 repository system. This process should aid in both the maintenance and upcoming improvement of wotonomy, but also encourages better software development through explicit lifecycle support for unit-testing. Upcoming plans include the implementation of a wide-reaching unit test suite, as well as the implementation of several expected features.... read more

Posted by Christian Edward Gruber 2006-02-19

wotonomy web is coming together

Those of you watching the cvs repository will notice that wotonomy web has pretty much come together in the past few months. (Even woextensions are compiling against it.) All that's needed are the core dynamic elements, some of which we have, some of which we need. We're always looking for volunteers...

Posted by Michael Powers 2003-02-01

Alpha-5 Released

Alpha-5 provides over a year's worth of updates and improvements. Please see the release notes for details.

You can build serious command-line and/or gui applications with these tools: all you need to do is implement EOObjectStore. Future work is focusing on making it easier to do that.

Posted by Michael Powers 2002-07-02

WO-style web app demo

See the new release in the examples package.

This is a simple proof-of-concept application for the
wotonomy web package. It's a Web Application Archive
(WAR) file, so you can just drop it into a compliant
servlet container (like Tomcat) and it will Just Work.

As you will see, it is a very simple demonstration.
http://localhost:8080/wotest would invoke the Main
component, while http://localhost:8080/wotest/test
would invoke the action named "test".... read more

Posted by Michael Powers 2001-06-20

XML-RPC client/server demo

The dynamic capabilities of the wotonomy framework made it easy to write an XML object serializer, which in turn made it easy to implement an XML-RPC client and server. See

Posted by Michael Powers 2001-02-10

A home page, at last!

This project finally has a home page and the beginnings of a FAQ. Check it out at

Posted by Michael Powers 2001-02-05

UI Developer Guide is posted!

The high-level guide to working with the net.wotonomy.ui package has been posted. This is the guide to building Swing applications with the framework. It's available at

Posted by Michael Powers 2001-02-03

Getting Started

Sourceforge is now the official home for the source tree. There's not much in the way of basic documentation yet.

To get started, get ant(, download the source tree, and build the javadocs with "ant docs".

To launch the demo test suite for the JavaClient-like library, build all with "ant all" then build the jar with "ant library". The jar is executable with "java -jar wotonomy.jar".

Posted by Michael Powers 2001-01-08