
OpenVistA SemiVivA FOIA Gold 20050507 available

OpenVistA VivA FOIA Gold 20050507 is now available. It combines the FOIA release from the VA's FTP site with GT.M V5.0-000.

To use it, download the file to a temporary directory, e.g., /Distrib/VistA/OpenVIstASemiVivAFOIAGold20050507.tgz. Then, as root:
cd /usr/local
tar zxvf /Distrib/VistA/OpenVIstASemiVivAFOIAGold20050507.tgz

To "install" a database, you can execute:
/usr/local/OpenVistA/visa --install <targetdir>
where <targetdir> is specified without a trailing slash. To "run" after installing a database, you can execute:
/usr/local/OpenVistA/vista --run <targetdir>

The above script requires that you have Xdialog ( installed on your system. One change from previous SemiVivA releases is that /usr/local/gtm and /usr/local/OpenVistA are symbolic links (e.g., gtm is a link to gtm_V5.0-000).

Please use it and either post or send me your comments. Thank you very much.

-- Bhaskar

Posted by K.S. Bhaskar 2005-06-30

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