William Gerken - 2006-04-07

As instructed in the notes I extracted FOIAVistASemiVivA20060113a.tgz to /usr/local and ran the ./vista script installing to /home/vista/myVistA. The notes show inetd pointing to /home/<user>/cprs_direct but this does not appear to have been installed to /home/vista/myVistA, so I pointed inetd at the copy in /usr/local/VistA. The client connects, but hangs. I've also run the /usr/local/VistA/install script to /home/vista/myVistA which does install the cprs_direct script but get similar results with the gui.
Finally I ran the ./install script and worked thought the documentation located at http://openforum.worldvista.org/~forum/index.php?title=Begin_Configuration_of_Vista. The D ^ZTMGRSET command reports a number of errors along the lines of "Loaded, cp: cannot stat `/home/vista/test4/r/ZIS4GTM.m': No such file or directory", and appears to have several differences concerning the names of the VOLUME SET and UCI, but otherwise completes and is usable via the GTM> interface. Yet again when setting up cprs_direct the client hangs before a logon is displayed. Any help and or direction would be greatly appreciated.