
#124 Collateral: Groups cannot be finished


After more testing, I decided that the topic I submitted
to the developer's forum ("Groups cannot be finished"
mafaehnd 0 2003-12-20 14:01) is a bug, since it keeps
me from finishing the whole entry.

Here is the problem:

I have the following data in Annotate (threshold = 50%):

a ba tuđan
a tur toz..
b ya kuoppas
c ya biːl
c ya buor
d ba saŋ

When I go to Tabulate, I am asked to chose one of the
different data for group "c". Once I do that, I am stuck.
I cannot tabulate group "a".

The only way to work around it is to go back to
Tabulate and assign different group tags to the two
data for Yakut (ya). However, if I think that these two
are cognates (doublet), then that would not really
reflect my analysis of the data.


  • Joseph E. Grimes

    • priority: 5 --> 8
  • Joseph E. Grimes

    Logged In: YES

    [Maria submitted this to Developers Forum]
    I am not sure whether this is a bug or a feature request, or
    something else. Here is what happens:

    I have one entry with three varieties. One variety has two
    data, but noth of these data have the same group tag. The
    data in the other varieties have different group tags:

    a ba ata/
    a ba ataj
    b ya aga
    c tur baba

    When I go to Tabulate, I am asked to choose one of the
    multiple datums defined for group "a". Once I do that, nothing
    further happens. The entry cannot be finished and stays in

    I have a threshold of 50%.

    [Joe] Part of the problem is visual: the dialog box that asks
    you to choose hides the other data against which you have
    to make the choice. Pragmatically, you want to choose the
    one that is most likely a true cognate with the others (the
    ones you can't see), and include a remark saying that there's
    probably some kind of borrowing analogy going on in the other
    one, especially if you have an idea what it's an analogy with.
    Romance has a bunch of doublets of this kind, but one of
    them is usually a learned borrowing from Latin, not a product
    of regular sounds change (except within Latin - it's usually
    borrowed from late Medieval Latin, not from Julius Caesar.
    Let's see if moving the dialog box to a neutral corner helps.

  • Joseph E. Grimes

    • summary: Groups cannot be finished --> Collateral: Groups cannot be finished
  • Maria Faehndrich

    Logged In: YES

    I have attached a demonstration collection for this bug. To
    see what the problem is, do the following:

    > go to View "Turkic"

    > go to Annotate and select the entry "dust"

    > go to Tabulate in entry "dust" (you may have to click
    Refresh if all the group tags are "?")

    > you will be asked to "select one of multiple datums for
    group tag c and variety ya.

    > select one, it doesn't matter which one.

    > you will now be stuck on this entry, unable to tabulate
    group a.

  • Maria Faehndrich

  • Maria Faehndrich

    Logged In: YES

    Another problem associated with this bug: sometimes the
    group which contains a double entry itself cannot be
    tabulated after one of the double entries has been chose. For

    Tag Abbr Aligned
    a ba bar
    a ya bar
    b ba kajt
    b ba k/it
    b tur g/it
    c ba kil

    When I go to Tabulate, I am prompted to choose one of the
    datums defined for group b and Variety ba. This makes sense,
    since there are two entries for group b and variety ba.
    However, once I have chosen one of the datums, I get "No
    Groups Available", although there are two datums in this
    group: the one I have chose for ba, and the one for the
    Variety tur. I cannot tabulate group a either.

  • Maria Faehndrich

  • Maria Faehndrich

    Logged In: YES

    There is another problem with this, involving grapheme
    cluster: when the user chooses one datum of a variety with
    more than one datum with the same group tag, and that
    datum contains a grapheme cluster, Tabulate displays only
    the correspondence set containing that grapheme cluster.

    To duplicate this bug:

    > import the attached collection (bug 863745 graph cluster)

    > go to Annotate

    > go to Tabulate

    > when prompted to choose one datum, choose the one
    containing the grapheme cluster


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