
Perl Web Objects ADE Public Release

I needed a web development platform to do the impossible. As a single developer I needed to rapidly assemble a large web application in a very short time. Furthermore I knew that I would be developing the programming while others would be commissioned to do the art design, and that they would need to be able to use the HTML & graphics packages with which they were already experienced, ie FrontPage and Dreamweaver. I needed to incorporate a flexible object architecture: I knew that the same components would need to reappear on different pages, at times with varying forms, but I'm not an OOP. What's more, like all web projects, I knew that this one would need to continue to evolve as our site matured and userbase increased. In summary I needed:
* a rapid prototyping and deployment tool
* with simple to create and use reusable objects
* objects need to be able to change according to their context
* the entire project will be need to be able to be edited in Frontpage, Dreamweaver or the like and preserve its structure
* the project needs to be based on portable, opensource tools
* it needs to be fast enough to support lots of users on economical hardware
* it needs to be able to preserve state and give simple program flow control to the CGI programmer

The Perl Web Objects ADE was my solution. I'm releaseing the 0.6 alpha as public opensource (GPL) code.

The web site contains a working demo, lengthy readme and current source code.

Please stop by and fill out the introductory survey and/or join the mailling list.

Perl Web objects are not beautiful, they are quick to write and very functional, even in this alpha stage. And the entire package is under 13k.

Posted by John M Hanna 2000-06-02

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