
#3 Fonts are too small

Brad Jorsch

A few people have written to complain that the fonts
are too small. In particular:

Message one:
> I like wmweather+ quite a lot, but it is difficult to
read information
> from a small dock icon. I have tried to use geometry
> something like "wmweather+ -geometry 100x100+0+0",
but it does
> not work. Is there any way to have the information
displayed in larger
> font?

Unfortunately, a WindowMaker dockapp only has a 64x64
window to work with (actually, slightly less after the
borders are taken into account). Since the size is
fixed, -geometry doesn't have much opportunity to do

Message two:
> Sorry, on a 1600x1200 screen those fonts are totally
useless to me...
> Otherwise it looks gorgeous.

If anyone wants to design larger fonts that will still
fit all the information into the display (feel free to
rework the display too), i'll gladly accept the
contribution. You don't even need any programming
skills, just draw some fake-screenshots and/or make
images similar to wmweather_master.xpm and
characters.xpm. What's there now is the best i've been
able to come up with.

Until then, i'm going to stick this in the WONTFIX
group, because i can't see how to make it any better.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Since wmweather+ works with other window managers, why not
    allow the option to resize it? Another suggestion would be
    to pipe the data to xless on double-click, which is done for
    warnings, but not the other data. Have radar maps piped to
    an image viewer.

    Speaking of which, this url for radar maps doesn't work, I'm
    wondering if that's because of the filename being in CAPS?
    It doesn't appear to try retrieving
    Any clue why it doesn't work?

    Keep up the good work :)
    wmweather+ is a very good program.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Since wmweather+ works with other window managers, why not
    allow the option to resize it? Another suggestion would be
    to pipe the data to xless on double-click, which is done for
    warnings, but not the other data. Have radar maps piped to
    an image viewer.

    Speaking of which, this url for radar maps doesn't work, I'm
    wondering if that's because of the filename being in CAPS?
    It doesn't appear to try retrieving
    Any clue why it doesn't work?

    Keep up the good work :)
    wmweather+ is a very good program.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Split the data onto other pages. Cramming all the data into
    one page is nice but not when it destroys usability. You
    have to accept that it doesn't fit, and split it up. jea do it.


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