
WMP 11 Crashes with this installed.

  • AsianSource

    AsianSource - 2007-04-16

    Tried several past versions.  Don't know why.

    XP sp2 with all latest updates.  Using Pc-Cillin...

    WMP11 - with no other plugins, I did install something to get M4a files to play though...


    • elsevers

      elsevers - 2007-05-07


      I have the same problem. I am trying to use WMP Tag Support Extender to be able to play my iTunes music (m4a’s) in Windows Media Center and cannot get the WMP Tag Support plugin to work. It hangs Windows Media player every time it tries to refresh the tag support (which unfortunately defaults to ocuring on the start up of Windows Media Player. Does anyone have any suggests?

      Codecs I have tried with the WMP Tag Support plugin: 3ivx Codec, AAC/aacPlus DirectShow Filter

      I am using the WMP Tag Support version 1.4 (the most recent one to my knowledge).

      Has anyone figured out a solution to this problem? Thanks!

    • direwolf08

      direwolf08 - 2007-11-04

      I have WMPTSEv1.4 installed in Vista/WMP11 (with Haali Splitter/ffdshow codec).  When I try to enable this plugin, WMP11 crashes almost instantly.  Sometimes I can make it to the 'refresh now' button, then it crashes.  It does this when I have ~2500 m4a's (aac) files already in the library, but all falling under "Unknown artist" with no meta data (only file name).  When I do not have all of those files already in the library, WMP does not crash upon enabling the plugin.  

      So, I just tell WMP to monitor the m4a containing folder (I hit 'close' when it starts looking for new files).  Now, it seems like nothing happens, and none of the m4a's show up.  The same thing with when I hit 'refresh now' in the plugin menu. 

      Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks for your assistance!

    • Buckster99

      Buckster99 - 2007-11-23

      I am having the same problem.  I have been trying for over a month to get media center on vista ultimate to recognize my .m4a files from Itunes.  Any help would be great.

    • ush285t

      ush285t - 2009-01-03

      I have the same problem. I installed WMPTSEv1.4 on Vista Ultimate to access m4a/aac audio files in WMP 11 and Media Center. WMP crashes as soon as WMPTSE is enabled. I'm using ffdshow and haali splitter to decode m4a files.

      I've read many forums with info on WMPTSE and tried all suggested fixes.

      Does WMPTSE work on vista and can anyone explain how to get WMPTSE working on Vista?



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