
wiTicket Help Desk Front-End / News: Recent posts

wiTicket Beta 0.2.1 RELEASED!

The new wiTicket Beta version has been released. Fully functional! No more bugs! WITH AUTO-LOOKUP! Come and see!

Posted by TTT 2007-06-22

ALPHA 0.0.1 Released

Here it is! The Alpha 0.0.1 release!
This is a WORKING prototype. Please feel free to download it, play with it, improve it, and share your improvements with others!

This project is in its earliest stages. There is a 90% functional ALPHA prototype of the application, but lots of work yet to do. Please consider joining the team to help develop this utility and its supporting documents.


To use this code, you will need to
1) Copy the files to a work area on your server
2) Compile the source code to a .dll
3) Copy the .dll to the bin folder of the IIS server
4) Grant permissions for the .dll in the IIS configurations
5) Implement the web part into your Sharepoint environment
6) Setup the configuration parameters per your HelpDesk system
7) Test the solution
8) Celebrate your success... read more

Posted by TTT 2007-04-03