
disable tooltip?

  • Justa_Guy

    Justa_Guy - 2010-10-14

    When I set the 4 numeric fields to -1 in order to disable Winsize on this one application, there's a tooltip that's always refreshing and appearing on it's window.

    It gets in the way of the mouse when attempting to grab the window title bar to move it, in addition to being generally annoying- it's rather large, too.

    I don't see that it can be disabled.

  • Magra

    Magra - 2010-10-14

    1a. Please make a screenshot of the tooltip, as I cannot reproduce this.
    1b. Send (per mail, I would not append this in this public region) of the Magrasoft-directory as described in the handbook (before deleting the entry !!!!). This is the only way I can have a look at all parameters (and correct any errors).
    and it would help a lot, thank you.

    2. It is not intended (and tested) to disable an entry by setting the position/size fields to -1 (although this could make sense).
    Easiest way (as you know): "delete" the entry if you do not want to use it; insert it again by 1*hotkey.

  • Magra

    Magra - 2010-10-14

    The tooltip says: "you enabled the 'always' checkbox in the WinTitle-tab"
    which disables moving the window. When you enable only 1 'always' (position OR size) this is done by repositioning the window with every move.

    If you enable both 'always' a Windows API call disables moving the window which as a result also works when WinSize2 is shut down.

    Yes as you said in your mail: if you have two programs that move one window the result is unpredictable.


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