
1053 error starting service example on Win 64

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-01-14

    Does anyone know how to get the WinRun4J service example-the ServiceTest class that is distributed with the software-to run? I'm on a Windows 7 box, 64 bit.

    I copied WinRun4J64c.exe to C:\test, renamed it service64.exe.
    I copied service.ini to C:\test, renamed it service64.ini.
    Finally I copied WinRun4JTest.jar to C:\test.

    I have the Java 7 JDK and JRE installed.

    First off, you have to run a command prompt as Administrator, otherwise you can't register the service. In a command prompt as Admin, I enter the command

    C:\Test>service64.exe -WinRun4J:RegisterService

    So far so good. But when I go to the Windows services panel to start the service, I get the "Error 1053: service did not respond … in a timely fashion" error.

    Any ideas?


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-01-21

    I have exactly the same problem. If anyone has the solution,  I'll really apreciate it.


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