
#2932 show correct diffnumbers in GUI

Not Scheduled
GUI (476)

this patch shows the real numbers of difference in statusbar. In case of a splitted diffblock, these parts will be shown with an index valie.
like 7, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 etc.


  • Kimmo Varis

    Kimmo Varis - 2010-02-21

    What do you mean with real numbers?

  • Matthias

    Matthias - 2010-02-25

    same value as in folder compare.
    We can also show the total numbers of diffs (real) + ignored diffs.
    Here also a diffblock can be spiltted so a diff can have some kids.
    the first will be name normal and the spitted parts x.2...
    so as I explaied in header.

  • Kimmo Varis

    Kimmo Varis - 2010-04-18

    You need to explain in more detail.

    > same value as in folder compare

    > We can also show the total numbers of diffs (real) + ignored diffs.
    No we won't. If user choose to ignore something it means one does not want it to be counted either.

    >the first will be name normal and the spitted parts x.2
    That is not logical. Numbering needs to start from 1. First splitted diff must be 7.1, next 7.2 etc. 7 is not same as 7.1.

  • Matthias

    Matthias - 2010-06-14

    oh, i missed that.
    >folder (real) + ignored diffs
    whatever user is choosing.
    sometimes Winmerge is splitting a diff to single lines.
    >7 is not same as 7.1
    ok, i have to change that, needs a litle more time to calculate.

  • Kimmo Varis

    Kimmo Varis - 2010-06-15

    Numbering is the smallest problem with splitted diffblocks. Somebody should first figure out some decent GUI to show them.

  • Matthias

    Matthias - 2010-06-22


  • Christian List

    Christian List - 2013-03-02
    • milestone: Trunk --> Not Scheduled

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