
#331 Enable the syntax highlighting in diffs

Usability (267)

First of all, I tried WinMerge 2.1.6 ! It's really
great !!

I would be nice if we could keep the syntax
highlighting for the diff area.


  • Kimmo Varis

    Kimmo Varis - 2004-04-06
    • status: open --> open-later
  • Kimmo Varis

    Kimmo Varis - 2004-04-06

    Logged In: YES

    This has several problems.

    Current idea is to allow user to configure text color and
    background color. So user can easily choose two colors one
    likes and are readable enough.

    If we syntax highlight text in difference it reduces choises
    for background color a lot. Basically you couldn't use any
    color used in syntax highlight for background color. Red,
    blue, green..

    If we later allow customising syntax highlight colors this
    maybe doable though.

  • Kimmo Varis

    Kimmo Varis - 2004-04-06
    • priority: 5 --> 2
  • Cédric Lallain

    Cédric Lallain - 2004-04-06

    Logged In: YES

    >If we syntax highlight text in difference it reduces choises
    >for background color a lot. Basically you couldn't use any
    >color used in syntax highlight for background color. Red,
    >blue, green..

    I'm sorry, but I disagree !
    An solution could be to give the choice to the user: a
    checkbox to decide if the user wants or doesn't want to have
    the syntaxe highlight in those areas.
    Personnaly, I don't like the choice of the color you made. I
    found the colors too agressive. But that doesn't matter: I
    can change them, and that's great ! :)

    The choice I made doesn't create any trouble with the text
    color, just try it, you will see:
    - Difference background: (R=210, G=255, B=210)
    - Selected difference background: (R=230, G=230, B=255)
    - Ignore difference background: (R=210, G=255, B=255)

    - Difference deleted: (R=210, G=210, B=210)
    - Selected difference deleted: (R=255, G=230, B=230)
    - Ignore difference deleted: (R=230, G=230, B=230)

  • Kimmo Varis

    Kimmo Varis - 2004-04-06

    Logged In: YES

    > I'm sorry, but I disagree !
    No problem, I'm not right always. :)

    Nice colors! I'm still afraid there is no enough contrast
    between your green and green used for comment text. Anyway,
    as this is trivial to implement, I'll experiment with this
    later, say in 1-2 weeks.

  • Kimmo Varis

    Kimmo Varis - 2004-04-06
    • priority: 2 --> 5
    • status: open-later --> open
  • Kimmo Varis

    Kimmo Varis - 2004-05-23
    • labels: --> Usability
    • summary: Enable the syntax highlighting --> Enable the syntax highlighting in diffs
  • Kimmo Varis

    Kimmo Varis - 2004-05-23

    Logged In: YES

    Sorry it took so long I got back to this.

    There is certainly merit with this request. Coloring may
    help seeing diffs. Mistyped keywords etc. But the problem
    remains in colors used. Default diff colors really don't
    allow syntax coloring. And used syntax highlight colors are
    quite light so there is problem with readability with light
    green background and comment text.

    So I'm still a bit sceptical about real usability
    improvement as long we don't also tweak syntax highlight
    colors or allow customising them.

    One checkbox for options may not sound a lot, but there are
    tens of features for which we could add just 'one checkbox'.
    This could be one of advanced/poweruser options, but we
    don't have such sets. :( But hmm, I quess we could allow
    some of these option without UI, adding registry value and
    documenting it somewhere.

  • Cédric Lallain

    Cédric Lallain - 2004-07-20

    Logged In: YES

    Hum... Why you don't propose a set of default colors...
    (using a list box in the color page for example) I found the
    default color too aggressive, I know it's a personal point
    of view, nonetheless having different "default" choices
    could be nice :)

    Same thing: if the default color stop you adding some nice
    feature, it could be good to consider a change in those colors.

    At least an option available even without the UI would be

    (PS: Added a checkbox in the page to setup the colors is not
    a lot of checkboxes :P)


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