
Björn releases wings-1.0-rc1 after 8 years of development!

This is a great moment in the history of Wings 3D. A program that began as a "Can this be done in Erlang?" project has proved, yes it can and more. Here's what Björn wrote to launch the release of wings-1.0-rc1 on the Wings Official Development Forum:

I started developing Wings about eight years ago and I think it is high time that Wings reached 1.0.

So here 1.0-rc1, that is the first release candidate for the 1.0 release. We will probably release a few more release candidates only containing bug fixes (no new features),
and then we will release 1.0.

Fortunately, we all have many ideas for further development of Wings, so there will be many more releases after 1.0. There will be two series of releases after 1.0:

Releases named 1.0.x.y, which will only contain bug fixes (no new features). The idea is that the 1.0.x.y series of releases should always be the most stable release of Wings you can find.

Releases name 1.1.x.y will be development releases, where you will find the bleeding edge stuff. We will try to keep this branch as stable as possible, but since there is always the 1.0.x.y release to fall back on, we will probably be a little bit more daring than we had been in the past.

At some point in the future, when we'll think that enough features have been added to 1.1.x.y, we will release 1.2-rc1, 1.2-rc, and finally 1.2 which will be the new stable release.

I hope you all try out this new release and report any bugs you'll find.

A big thanks to all of you, users and developers alike. Without you, Wings wouldn't have come this far.

And a special thanks to Gordo, who designed the new icons for this release. We now have the same icons for both Mac and Windows.


Posted by Anonymous 2009-05-01

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