
#7 WS8 fix quartz-wm to work right with fullscreen

Bug (44)

Try to make a custom version of quartz-wm that will handle changing to fullscreen modes correctly.


  • doh123

    doh123 - 2011-03-18
    • milestone: --> Engine
  • doh123

    doh123 - 2011-03-19
    • priority: 5 --> 1
  • doh123

    doh123 - 2011-03-29
    • priority: 1 --> 5
  • doh123

    doh123 - 2011-03-29

    quartz-wm source is not available... will have to try some trickery in WineskinX11 to make sure quartz-wm is quit if going to a fullscreen mode, then restarted if going to rootless.

  • doh123

    doh123 - 2011-03-29

    in quartzRandR.c

    if (pMode->refresh != FAKE_REFRESH_ROOTLESS) {
    size_t myWidth = pQuartzScreen->currentMode.width;
    size_t myHeight = pQuartzScreen->currentMode.height;
    FILE *file;
    file = fopen("/tmp/WineskinXrandrTempFile","w+");
    This writes out a file so Wineskin.m will get the info on the last fullscreen resolution. Whenever this file is written I know I can kill quartz-wm, as it will be going to fullscreen. Need to modify this for WS8 so that if it is going to rootless, it will also write the file but indicate rootless, so that Wineskin.m will know to start quartz-wm back....

    This may or may not work... will have to test it out next WS8 test build.

  • doh123

    doh123 - 2011-03-29
    • status: open --> pending
  • doh123

    doh123 - 2011-03-31

    remember to change Wineskin.m to look for the rootless check to fix gamma changes on rootless since now it turns off sometimes.

  • doh123

    doh123 - 2011-03-31
    • summary: fix quartz-wm to work right with fullscreen --> WS8 fix quartz-wm to work right with fullscreen
    • status: pending --> open
  • doh123

    doh123 - 2011-04-18

    well I updated the code for this, working as the others... writing out rootless int he temp file that Wineskin.m reads... but that will not work. Wineskin.m will not be able to kill quartz-wm until after the switches are made, instead of before. Leave the rootless righting out so Wineskin.m can set gamma right in rootless, but need to make WineskinX11 actually kill or start quartz-wm on its own, before any resolution changes are made... also hard code it in to launch it on its own the first time instead of in Wineskin.m.

    Basically do this..

    if switching to Rootless, then change to rootless and start quartz-wm
    if switching to non-rootless, kill quartz-wm if its running, then change resolution.

    that should work...

  • doh123

    doh123 - 2011-06-14

    Make sure focus follows mouse is disabled by default in WS8 as well.

  • doh123

    doh123 - 2011-06-18

    need to add to this...

    in current WIneskin 2.3 wrappers, quartz-wm is always being ran wether its working or not. This is throwing off Override->Fullscreen down extra pixels for the bar space of the quartz-wm bar.

    need to make sure that quartz-wm never runs if we are doing an override fullscreen setting, or any time before loading in window placement, it needs to have the running of it killed off soon enough. Might have to look into window placement in xquartz itself, but this will have to be played around with more in a WS8 build.

  • doh123

    doh123 - 2011-07-26
    • priority: 5 --> 4
  • doh123

    doh123 - 2011-09-16
    • status: open --> closed
  • doh123

    doh123 - 2011-09-16

    this is impossible.

    killing and started quartz-wm totally hoses things in Wine. I made a engine base that handled this correctly and it just screws up the graphics in every game when quartz-wm is killed... if it wasn't running when the game started, it will start up fine and work, but then when its killed... nothing works anymore. I fought this for several days, and there is just no way to do it with this method. Closing this... it won't happen until Wine starts playing better with window managers, or until quartz-wm improves.


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