
Win32GUI - v1.6.2 released

- ported to gcc 3.4.2 - many thanks to Vladimir Marko!!!
- added Resource Splitter
(cool and friendly syntax)
- solved bug when the window chooses to destroy itself while processing an event
(like, calling self->destroy());
- small improvements
- added event_handler::self, so that in your event handler functions you can write:
self->whatever() instead of window()->whatever()
(saves you 4 chars)
- solved seteral bugs found by various people from (especially fotzor - thanks!)
- removed (commented) add_item_array - for adding an array of items into a combobox/listbox

Note that this is a development release, so there might still be some bugs just waiting to happen :)

Source code for the Cross Builder ( can be found in this package!


Posted by John Torjo 2004-12-21

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