
Cant open save files

  • Chris

    Chris - 2012-10-10

    Not sure whats going on, but I cant open my savegame at all.

    Not really interested in the modding aspect. Was just trying to convert my save game from steam pc to xbox 360.
    Heard WillowTree could do it. However, I haven't been able to open my savegame at all.

    I've tried the last 4 most recent experimentals, and then out of curiosity, the latest official.

    I've tried opening it from the desktop, and inside my borderlands 2 directory.
    I've also tried running as an administrator.

    The error I'm getting is saying it's not a WSG. Not 100% sure what that means (I have suspicions) but Im assuming it has something to do with the fact its a steam save game, not a dvd.

    Not sure what else to try to get this to work. Like I said, I'm only trying to convert it so it can be used on a xbox 360.

    Actual Error:

    System.IO.FileFormatException: Input file is not a WSG (platform is Not WSG).
       at WillowTree.WillowSaveGame.LoadWSG(String inputFile)
       at WillowTree.WillowTreeMain.Open_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.RaiseEvent(Object key, EventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem.OnClick(EventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleClick(EventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
       at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.DebuggableCallback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
       at System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.DispatchMessageW(MSG& msg)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ComponentManager.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponentManager.FPushMessageLoop(Int32 dwComponentID, Int32 reason, Int32 pvLoopData)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoopInner(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoop(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
       at WillowTree.Program.Main()

  • matt911

    matt911 - 2012-10-10

    There's a few possibilities:

    1) You are trying to open a Borderlands 2 savegame not a Borderlands savegame.  WillowTree# doesn't support Borderlands 2, only the first Borderlands game.
    2) You are not opening the savegame file, but rather some other file.  PC savegames are held in the My Documents\My Games\Borderlands\SaveData folder and are named SaveXXXX.sav.  (example: Save0001.sav)
    3) Your savegame file is corrupt and its first three letters are not WSG (hence the not a WSG error).  Its simple enough to test this by opening the savegame with Notepad.  If the first three letters of a PC savegame aren't WSG then your save is corrupt and I doubt Borderlands can load it.

  • Chris

    Chris - 2012-10-10

    Yes. Its Borderlands 2.
    If Im not mistaking, your the active developer; Do you have any plans to support 2 in the near future?
    Or perhaps would you be able to redirect me to a program which will work for what I need?

  • matt911

    matt911 - 2012-10-10

    I'm not committing to anything related to Borderlands 2 at this time.  I suspect that WillowTree# itself will not support Borderlands 2 because the formats are different enough that a significant amount of the code and data will have to be rewritten.  I feel like it probably is better to write a separate editor for Borderlands 2 because it needs all its own data files and processing capabilities.

    I personally will not be releasing anything whatsoever related to Borderlands 2 until it is at least a month old.  That's still 8 days from now and I can tell you that what I've programmed thus far related to Borderlands 2 is quite minimal, so no one should be expecting anything grand from me even once that time comes.  WillowTree# in its current form is not something that happened overnight and any successor to it probably will take at least a few months to mature as well.

    I'm not aware of any freely available Borderlands 2 savegame editor yet.  I know Gibbed is working on one and I imagine it will be available at when it is finished.  There has been a WillowTree2 project started here on SourceForge at , but as far as I know there has been no code release yet and I don't even know if there is anyone actually writing code for it.  There is link to a python script in the WillowTree2 forum that can decode and encode Borderlands 2 savegames that you might be able to use to edit particular data in your savegame, but it is not an actual editor so using it may require some technical knowledge.

  • Chris

    Chris - 2012-10-11

    Well darn.

    Ok. Thank you for the info. Hopefully you will pursue moving further into borderlands 2. From what I hear, WillowTree is a great project as it is. So, I will still look forward to seeing something (whether it be WillowTree (2) or a whole different project.

    For now, I will continue to monitor Gibbed's site. Perhaps he will release something soon.

  • Badstone

    Badstone - 2012-11-10

    Since you've been so helpful, can you tell a newbee how to load a save game into the editor? I try to open files and they are the wrong type. I just want some money for a starting character… and maybe a better gun… :-)
    Does the editor have to be in a special directory?

  • matt911

    matt911 - 2012-11-11


    Gibbed has released his Borderlands 2 editor at  Use that if you want to edit a Borderlands 2 savegame.  The proper place to get help for that would be on his own website, but I will explain briefly how it can be used.

    I'm assuming you are using Xbox 360 since you have not specified.  In that case you need to use Modio, Horizon, or whatever program you use to extract the Xbox 360 package from the USB drive to extract the file from inside the save package, then use Gibbed's Borderlands 2 editor ( to edit it

    For instance, if you are using Modio 3.0, then you would click 'Open a save'  then select your 'Save0001.sav' file.   It shows a window with information about your save including a picture of the icon.  On that page you select the tab that says 'File Contents' then you right click the internal file 'SaveGame.sav' and click 'Extract File' and save that file in a folder somewhere on your hard disk.  Now open that file 'SaveGame.sav' with Gibbed's BL2 savegame editor.  Make modifications you want then save it. After that you have to go back to Modio's 'File Contents' tab, right click on 'SaveGame.sav'  and select 'Replace file'.  It will ask you which file you want to replace it with and you select the modified 'SaveGame.sav' file that you just saved from the BL2 save editor.  Now click the 'General File Info' tab, click 'Rehash and Resign' to make sure the new package signature is correct.  This updates the save file on your hard disk.  Click 'Save to Device' to write it back to the USB memory stick.

    I think 'Save to Device' actually automatically does 'Rehash and Resign'  first in Modio 3.0 so the rehash step is optional, but it might be required with another Xbox package tool if it does not automatically re-sign.

    If you are using PC then the process is much easier.  Just find your savegame file in My Documents\My Games\Borderlands 2\WillowGame\SaveData\<really long number> and edit it with Gibbed's Borderlands 2 editor.  The save files are called Save0001.sav, Save0002.sav, etc.

    If you are using PS3, then you are probably out of luck.  You would need to decrypt the file from your USB stick before you can edit it with Gibbed's editor and re-encrypt it afterwards, just like you do with the Xbox, but I don't know of any utility program that can actually do that.  Its likely most PS3 users will not be able to edit their savegames due to the encryption.  Unless you are a real PS3 guru you probably aren't going to accomplish it right now.

  • Badstone

    Badstone - 2012-11-11

    I don't understand why you are shouting, dude.
    I of COURSE was not talking about B2.
    My simple, short question was: How do you open a file with Willow Tree - it doesn't tell you ANYWHERE.
    You click the colored button in the upper left hand corner.
    If developers paid more attention to basics, they might get a long better in the world, instead of saying things like "after loading a file" it would be better to start with: Here's how you use this: click the colored button!
    Horray - question answered.

  • matt911

    matt911 - 2012-11-12

    My apologies if I did not answer your question.  I assumed your question was related to the other recent discussion in this thread which has all been about Borderlands 2.  Several people have sent me e-mail asking me why their Borderlands 2 save wont open when I've already made it clear that WillowTree# does not and probably will not support it.  The capital letters are to try to make sure that this fact is not overlooked when I spend half a page explaining how to open a Borderlands 2 file in another program.

    As you can see I did attempt to help you, I simply didn't understand what your problem was.  You said you attempted to open files and they were the wrong type so I assumed that you must know where the open button was.  You did not say, "where is the button to open a file?" you said that your files were corrupt, so I assumed you must also be trying to open Borderlands 2 files.

    I agree with you that the button is confusing and you'll find that the latest experimental revisions of WillowTree# do not have it.  Instead, they have a simple File menu.  The button emulates the interface of the Microsoft Office 2007 I think it is, which most people also found frustrating having never seen an interface like that before in Windows.

  • Badstone

    Badstone - 2012-11-12

    1. You've obviously confused me with another commentor here; I should have posted my own separate question.
    2. Obviously you are passionate about your program, and thank you so much for it, as it works perfectly for me now.
    3. All I needed was some money and your program takes care of that nicely.
    4. I also find the arenas impossible to win, so finding how to comment in the ini file to never die was a lucky, brilliant discovery; bDemiGodMode=true.
    5. A simple file menu is I think a better idea; no one liked the button in Word….
    6. Thank you for your patient and professional reply; your program has revived a great game for me. Best wishes.


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