
WikSpeak 1.0 has been released!

WikSpeak 1.0 has been released!

New Features:

Built-in Phonetic Transcriptions

Previous WikSpeak versions required an Internet connection to access all features, but beginning with WikSpeak 1.0, the program only requires an Internet connection to retrieve pronunciations (when the "Sound" checkbox is enabled). Phonetic transcriptions are now built into the program and they can be displayed at any time, even if the program is offline.
The source of the phonetic transcription is Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

Phoneme Pop-ups

Now there's an easy way to listen to every phoneme composing an English word! By positioning the pointer on any IPA symbol within the phonetic transcription and holding down the left mouse button, the selected IPA symbol is shown in a small pop-up and the corresponding phoneme is played. The pop-up is closed when the button is released.
See screenshot:

Posted by wkspeak 2008-03-10

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