
Version 4.3 released Xinha fixes

  • SteveG

    SteveG - 2008-02-16

    I posted a new version of the software today. The Xinha Extended File Manager should now be fully configured. In addition many little bugs should have been removed so that the php notices people have reported in the past should all be gone and for the most part errors/warning shown in for example firefox's error console should  be greatly minimized. This version has some new internationalization work done by Stephane (starcrouz) and Georg for the french and german translations respectively.

    In addition for new users the configuration should try and default to the browsers language if that language in english, french or german. If it isn't one of those languages than french will still be the default.

    Hopefully people will see this version as a good improvement over the previous version. Also as a result of continuing problems with my eye I'm not likely to be a active at monitoring the forums or working on fixes. So please be patient.

    The next thing I hope to work on is the ability to manage revisions from the wiki itself but I have no real schedule for this.


  • mario

    mario - 2012-07-20

    I use Version 4.3 does not see failure. Thanks
    Source: kizi

  • Tom sandiago

    Tom sandiago - 2012-09-21

    I also use Version 4.3



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