
WIKINDX 3.5 Released

WIKINDX 3.5 released.

WIKINDX is a free single or multi-user research environment storing searchable bibliographies, notes and citations and integrated with a WYSIWYG word processor for the authoring of publication-ready articles automatically formatted to chosen citation styles.

WIKINDX v3.5 has the following CHANGELOG:

Focus: Major feature enhancements and minor bug fixes.

1/ If you have an existing WIKINDX, this release UPGRADES the database structure. BACKUP YOUR DATABASE FIRST (and read INSTALL and UPDATEWIKINDX prior to running WIKINDX for the first time).
2/ Because of additions to the bibliographic/citation templating system, administrators who have created their
own style should, after installing v3.5, open, edit (with changes if necessary) and save their styles in
the WIKINDX style editor before using them.

1/ SUWP: added insert section break and option to renumber footnotes for each section of the exported RTF file.
2/ For in-text citation styles (such as APA), added 'Section' to 'Range within which subsequent citations are searched for'.
3/ In the SUWP, it is now possible to append papers with optional section breaks allowing the compilation of a book or thesis for example.
4/ The paper size of the SUWP RTF export may now be set (Letter, A4, A5, Legal, Executive).
5/ Added a new resource type: book_chapter. This is intended for resources whose title is a numeric chapter in a book.
6/ When viewing a single resource, a link is provided to view the basic bibTeX entry for that resource.
7/ Added search on keyword field to Quick Search.
8/ Enhancements to statistics by hyperlinking some items.
9/ Added editor fields to report and government_report resource types and added a publisher location to the latter.
10/ In the SUWP, the button state of certain buttons in the toolbar is now maintained depending upon the position of the cursor.
11/ Sometimes, when wanting to insert a reference in the SUWP, the reference may be found by searching the metadata but one doesn't wish to insert the metadata itself. It is now possible to insert only the cite tag after searching metadata for insertion into the SUWP.
12/ Added publisher/location fields to web_article resource type.
13/ Bibliographic lists produced from Resource Select and Quick Search now have the list parameters displayed.
14/ Much of the session data is now stored and retrieved at user logon if the user explicitly logs out. This includes, last multi view, last solo view, bookmarks, basket, export options, and list options. This WIKINDX state may be directly saved without logging off through the Wikindx|Save State menu item.
15/ Each new resource now has an authorYear bibTeX key stored and user Preferences allow any of three forms of bibTeX key to be viewed or exported.
16/ Admins may now opt to email news items to registered users.
17/ The bookmark system has been enhanced expanding it to 20 bookmarks instead of 10, enabling the bookmarking of lists as well as single resources and allowing the user to delete bookmarks.
18/ If the administrator chooses to display recently added/edited resources on the front page from a set number of days, the number of resources shown may now be limited.
19/ Administrators may now opt to be emailed when a new user completes registration.
20/ Registered users may now create user groups of which they are group administrator. Members of such groups have write access to user group bibliographies which the group administrator creates. Additionally, quote/paraphrase comments and musings may be set to be solely available to members of user groups of which the metadata originator is a member.
21/ Collections have been re-organized. Write-enabled users may now choose to add a new resource to an existing collection. Otherwise, the collection is created automatically if entering a new resource for a resource type which may be a part of a collection (book_article, journal_article etc.). The collection details may be managed via the Edit|Collection menu item. Furthermore, collections may now be browsed by collection type enabling the user to browse all collections or to browse just proceedings for example.
22/ If WIKINDX, the first time it is run with new code, detects that the database requires an upgrade (as it does with v3.5), only the superAdmin may perform the upgrade. This upgrade is automatic but requires the superAdmin to be logged on. Without this upgrade, WIKINDX is disabled. This was added in order to ensure that the superAdmin is fully aware of the upgrade process especially in the cases of large databases/slow servers where php.ini's max_execution_time may need to be temporarily adjusted.

1/ Fixed a bug in the single resource view that incorrectly hyperlinked other resources citing the displayed one.
2/ Fixed bibTeX import/export for inbook and incollection types.
3/ Fixed a recently created bug that incorrectly stored @STRING entries upon bibTeX import.
4/ Fixed a bug with BBCode and ftp addresses in the [url]...[/url] tag.
5/ Fixed a bug in RTF exports of resources where the abstract and/or the notes were included.
6/ Fixed a bug in creator, keyword, publisher and collection entry where a pre-existing name was not matched (leading to duplicate entries) if the name in the database began with a non-English character.
7/ Fixed a bug in the reading of some of the larger XML bibliographic style files which led to a mysterious blank page even with error reporting on.

Other minor bug fixes.

A full list of the major features and the full CHANGELOG can be found at the WIKINDX home page:
Test-drive a public WIKINDX at:
Download WIKINDX at:

Why would I want to use WIKINDX?
If you want an academic/research authoring system that...

1/ can manage all my bibliographic data allowing me to search through them with an accuracy and speed that cannot be duplicated with index cards,
2/ enables me to store unlimited quotes, paraphrases and thoughts and to efficiently cross-reference them in a searchable database,
3/ is free, stable and open source allowing me to cast off the shackles of commercial, licensed software,
4/ supports non-English multi-byte character sets,
5/ runs on all major operating systems (*NIX, OsX, Windows),
6/ runs not only on a desktop computer but also on a web server so I can access my bibliography from any networked point or share my bibliography with my research team,
7/ allows multiple attachments for each bibliographic resource,
8/ can export my bibliography in various bibliographic styles (APA, Chicago, IEEE for example),
9/ allows me to edit or create bibliographic styles through a graphical interface,
10/ integrates a WYSIWYG word processor with easy importation of quotes etc. so that at long last I can write an article, from draft through to publication, with automatic citation formatting entirely within the one software,
11/ at the click of a mouse button will reformat my article to another citation style whether that style uses
footnotes, endnotes or in-text citation,
12/ can import and export other bibliographic formats including BibTeX or Endnote format,
13/ supports multiple users,

...then WIKINDX is all this and more.

Mark Grimshaw (WIKINDX administrator - 4/January/2007)

Posted by Mark Grimshaw 2007-01-03