
whiteboard / News: Recent posts

Future Plans

I've been doing a lot of work on Whiteboard this summer, making future plans and writing some code. Check back soon for details about what is coming up.

Posted by Todd Templeton 2003-08-08

Version 1.0.3 Released

Whiteboard is a fully-featured and -integrated courseware system, targeted toward colleges and universities. It supports multiple departments and courses (including cross-listed courses); simple migration of courses to new semesters; grade storage, checking, and calculation; assignment submission and testing, and submitted assignment retrieval; documents; announcements; and discussion boards. It is written in PHP with a MySQL back-end, and is fully administrable through its web interface.... read more

Posted by Todd Templeton 2003-08-08

Whiteboard Courseware System 1.0.2 Released

Whiteboard is a fully-featured and -integrated courseware system, targeted toward colleges and universities. It supports multiple departments and courses (including cross-listed courses); simple migration of courses to new semesters; grade storage, checking, and calculation; assignment submission and testing, and submitted assignment retrieval; documents; announcements; and discussion boards. It is written in PHP with a MySQL back-end, and is fully administrable through its web interface.... read more

Posted by Todd Templeton 2003-01-25

Custom Authentication and Current Semester

Read and post to the new Authentication and Current Semester forum. Please share your authentication and current-semester code with other Whiteboard users.

Posted by Todd Templeton 2003-01-25

Whiteboard Courseware System 1.0.1 Released

Whiteboard Courseware System 1.0.1 has been released. Whiteboard is a fully-featured and -integrated courseware system targeted at colleges and universities. It is currently stable and is being used in production. This is a bug-fix version. See home page and demo at , and project page (download) at .

Posted by Todd Templeton 2003-01-23

Get Involved With Whiteboard

As this is Whiteboard's first public release, it is at a critical stage in its development. Especially if you have first-hand experience with educational courseware in an administrative, teaching, or student capacity, or if you just like the idea of creating a viable open-source alternative in what is a predominately closed-source area of software, get involved and help plan (and write) the future of this project. Useful qualities include general knowledge of educational courseware and its usage; skills in PHP programming, MySQL and other databases, graphics and web design, documentation, and project planning and management; and access to a server that could host the demo that is currently running pathetically slowly on this site. Contact .... read more

Posted by Todd Templeton 2002-11-07

Whiteboard Courseware System Version 1.0.0 Released

Whiteboard Courseware System 1.0.0 has been released. Whiteboard is a fully-featured and -integrated courseware system targeted at colleges and universities. It is currently stable and is being used in production. See home page and demo at , and project page (download) at .

Posted by Todd Templeton 2002-11-05