
#22 Assembling a MinION dataset - spec falcon_sense options problems


I have been trying to use PBcR to assemble the example MinION dataset given in with the spec file as given. However when I do, I get the following stack:

###  Reading options from '../sampleDataOxford/oxford.spec'

###  Reading options from the command line.

Warning: no frag files specified, assuming self-correction of pacbio sequences.
Running with 64 threads and 200 partitions
which: no bank-transact in <path>
********* Starting correction...
 CA: /gpfs0/apps/well/wgs/8.3rc1/Linux-amd64/bin
SMRTportal:/apps/well/wgs/8.3rc1/Linux-amd64/bin (blasr
******** Configuration Summary ********
bankPath                =       
gridEngineNameOption    =       -cwd -N
gridEngineHoldOption    =       -hold_jid "WAIT_TAG"
maxCoverage             =       40
utgErrorLimit           =       6.5
fastqFile               =       ../../data/sampleDataOxford/
gridEnginePropagateCommand      =       qalter -hold_jid "WAIT_TAG"
partitions              =       200
asmOvlErrorRate         =       0.3
QV                      =       54.5
assemble                =       1
gridEngineArrayOption   =       -t ARRAY_JOBS
asmObtErrorRate         =       0.03
gridEngineJobID         =       JOB_ID
specFile                =       ../sampleDataOxford/oxford.spec
longReads               =       1
cnsMinFrags             =       1000
falconOptions           =       --max_n_read 200 --min_idt 0.50 --output_multi --local_match_count_threshold 0
unitigger               =       bogart
mhap                    =       
ovlRefBlockLength       =       100000000000
gridOptionsOverlap      =       -pe threads 16 -l mem=2GB
cnsErrorRate            =       0.25
assembleCoverage        =       25
mhapVersion             =       1.5b1
cnsConcurrency          =       64
asmUtgErrorRate         =       0.3
blasr                   =       
merylThreads            =       64
ovlRefBlockSize         =       0
batOptions              =       -RS -CS
falconcns               =       1
utgErrorRate            =       0.25
gridOptions             =       
mhapPrecompute          =       1
cgwErrorRate            =       0.25
pbcns                   =       0
ovlStoreMemory          =       1033892
asmOBT                  =       0
scriptOnGrid            =       0
asmMerSize              =       22
length                  =       500
merSize                 =       14
utgGraphErrorLimit      =       0
utgGraphErrorRate       =       0.3
gridEngineSyncOption    =       -sync y
gridEngineTaskID        =       SGE_TASK_ID
useGrid                 =       0
utgMergeErrorRate       =       0.3
genomeSize              =       4650000
gridOptionsCorrection   =       -pe threads 16 -l mem=2GB
cleanup                 =       1
gridOptionsConsensus    =       -pe threads 16
coverageCutoff          =       0
doOverlapBasedTrimming  =       0
gridOptionsScript       =       -pe threads 1
gridEngineArrayName     =       ARRAY_NAME
samFOFN                 =       
ovlErrorRate            =       0.25
ovlHashBlockLength      =       1000000000
ovlConcurrency          =       1
merylMemory             =       1033892
asmObtErrorLimit        =       4.5
gridEngineOutputOption  =       -j y -o
repeats                 =       
falconForce             =       1
onlyContained           =       0
consensusConcurrency    =       64
shortReads              =       
utgMergeErrorLimit      =       0
gridEngineNameToJobIDCommand    =       
doFragmentCorrection    =       1
asmCgwErrorRate         =       0.3
ovlMemory               =       1009
shell                   =       /bin/bash
ovlThreads              =       64
gridEngineArraySubmitID =       $TASK_ID
frgMinLen               =       64
gridEngineSubmitCommand =       qsub
submitToGrid            =       0
threads                 =       64
doUnitigSplitting       =       0
asmCns                  =       pbutgcns
libraryname             =       sampleDataOxford
maxUncorrectedGap       =       1500
bowtie                  =       
sensitive               =       0
asmCnsErrorRate         =       0.3
----------------------------------------START Mon Aug 17 15:55:18 2015
/gpfs0/apps/well/wgs/8.3rc1/Linux-amd64/bin/runCA  -s /data2/users/rachel/projects/initial/phillippy_method/sampleDataOxford//tempsampleDataOxford/sampleDataOxford.spec -p asm -d tempsampleDataOxford  stopAfter=initialStoreBuilding   /data2/users/rachel/projects/initial/phillippy_method/sampleDataOxford//tempsampleDataOxford/sampleDataOxford.frg
usage: runCA -d <dir> -p <prefix> [options] <frg> ...
  -d <dir>          Use <dir> as the working directory.  Required
  -p <prefix>       Use <prefix> as the output prefix.  Required

  -s <specFile>     Read options from the specifications file <specfile>.
                      <specfile> can also be one of the following key words:
                      [no]OBT - run with[out] OBT
                      noVec   - run with OBT but without Vector
                        -version          Version information
  -help             This information
  -options          Describe specFile options, and show default values

  <frg>             CA formatted fragment file

Complete documentation at

'falconOptions' is not a valid option; see 'runCA -options' for a list of valid options.
'falconForce' is not a valid option; see 'runCA -options' for a list of valid options.
----------------------------------------END Mon Aug 17 15:55:18 2015 (0 seconds)
gkStore::gkStore()-- GateKeeper Store '/data2/users/rachel/projects/initial/phillippy_method/sampleDataOxford//tempsampleDataOxford/asm.gkpStore' doesn't exist.
Error: The PacBio library 0 must be the last library loaded but it preceedes 0. Please double-check your input files and try again. at /apps/well/wgs/8.3rc1/Linux-amd64/bin/PBcR line 1462.

When I try instead with the two falcon options commented out in the spec file, it runs for longer, eventually failing with:
----------------------------------------START Tue Aug 18 12:28:55 2015
/usr/bin/env perl /gpfs0/apps/well/wgs/8.3rc1/Linux-amd64/bin/ -euid /data2/users/rachel/projects/initial/phillippy_method/sampleDataOxford/JR_FAA56953_22072015_Kox_CAV1374/9-terminator/asm.asm
Can't locate Statistics/ in @INC (@INC contains: /apps/well/bioperl/1.6.923 /apps/well/bioperl/1.6.923 /apps/well/bioperl/1.6.923 /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at /gpfs0/apps/well/wgs/8.3rc1/Linux-amd64/bin/ line 18.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /gpfs0/apps/well/wgs/8.3rc1/Linux-amd64/bin/ line 18.
----------------------------------------END Tue Aug 18 12:28:55 2015 (0 seconds)
ERROR: Failed with signal INT (2)
The Cleaner has arrived. Doing 'none'.
----------------------------------------END Tue Aug 18 12:28:55 2015 (1816 seconds)

I've tried with a few different PBcR builds (8.2, 8.3rc1, 8.3rc2) and for each with the falcon_sense options in the spec file, or commented out. With them in, I universally get the 'not a valid option' error, and when they are left out, it breaks with different errors for each sample (6 bacterial genomes). I've also tried downloading FALCON and adding to my path with no success.

Am I missing some prerequisite software, or misunderstanding the how-to guide for assembline the MinION dataset?


Support Requests: #22


  • Sergey Koren

    Sergey Koren - 2015-08-18

    Only version 8.3rc2 has the added support for the falcon options required for nanopore assembly. If you previously had a failed run with CA 8.3rc1, make sure the temporary folder (tempsampleDataOxford) is removed and try re-running the command using CA 8.3rc2. Since 8.3rc1 was not designed to handle these options it most likely left behind an incomplete temporary directory which 8.3rc2 is trying to resume from and failing.


    On Aug 18, 2015, at 10:10 AM, Rachel Norris wrote:

    [support-requests:#22] Assembling a MinION dataset - spec falcon_sense options problems

    Status: open
    Group: v1.0_(example)
    Created: Tue Aug 18, 2015 02:10 PM UTC by Rachel Norris
    Last Updated: Tue Aug 18, 2015 02:10 PM UTC
    Owner: nobody

    I have been trying to use PBcR to assemble the example MinION dataset given in with the spec file as given. However when I do, I get the following stack:

    Reading options from '../sampleDataOxford/oxford.spec'

    Reading options from the command line.

    Warning: no frag files specified, assuming self-correction of pacbio sequences.
    Running with 64 threads and 200 partitions
    which: no bank-transact in
    * Starting correction...
    CA: /gpfs0/apps/well/wgs/8.3rc1/Linux-amd64/bin
    SMRTportal:/apps/well/wgs/8.3rc1/Linux-amd64/bin (blasr
    * Configuration Summary *
    bankPath =
    gridEngineNameOption = -cwd -N
    gridEngineHoldOption = -hold_jid "WAIT_TAG"
    maxCoverage = 40
    utgErrorLimit = 6.5
    fastqFile = ../../data/sampleDataOxford/
    gridEnginePropagateCommand = qalter -hold_jid "WAIT_TAG"
    partitions = 200
    asmOvlErrorRate = 0.3
    QV = 54.5
    assemble = 1
    gridEngineArrayOption = -t ARRAY_JOBS
    asmObtErrorRate = 0.03
    gridEngineJobID = JOB_ID
    specFile = ../sampleDataOxford/oxford.spec
    longReads = 1
    cnsMinFrags = 1000
    falconOptions = --max_n_read 200 --min_idt 0.50 --output_multi --local_match_count_threshold 0
    unitigger = bogart
    mhap =
    ovlRefBlockLength = 100000000000
    gridOptionsOverlap = -pe threads 16 -l mem=2GB
    cnsErrorRate = 0.25
    assembleCoverage = 25
    mhapVersion = 1.5b1
    cnsConcurrency = 64
    asmUtgErrorRate = 0.3
    blasr =
    merylThreads = 64
    ovlRefBlockSize = 0
    batOptions = -RS -CS
    falconcns = 1
    utgErrorRate = 0.25
    gridOptions =
    mhapPrecompute = 1
    cgwErrorRate = 0.25
    pbcns = 0
    ovlStoreMemory = 1033892
    asmOBT = 0
    scriptOnGrid = 0
    asmMerSize = 22
    length = 500
    merSize = 14
    utgGraphErrorLimit = 0
    utgGraphErrorRate = 0.3
    gridEngineSyncOption = -sync y
    gridEngineTaskID = SGE_TASK_ID
    useGrid = 0
    utgMergeErrorRate = 0.3
    genomeSize = 4650000
    gridOptionsCorrection = -pe threads 16 -l mem=2GB
    cleanup = 1
    gridOptionsConsensus = -pe threads 16
    coverageCutoff = 0
    doOverlapBasedTrimming = 0
    gridOptionsScript = -pe threads 1
    gridEngineArrayName = ARRAY_NAME
    samFOFN =
    ovlErrorRate = 0.25
    ovlHashBlockLength = 1000000000
    ovlConcurrency = 1
    merylMemory = 1033892
    asmObtErrorLimit = 4.5
    gridEngineOutputOption = -j y -o
    repeats =
    falconForce = 1
    onlyContained = 0
    consensusConcurrency = 64
    shortReads =
    utgMergeErrorLimit = 0
    gridEngineNameToJobIDCommand =
    doFragmentCorrection = 1
    asmCgwErrorRate = 0.3
    ovlMemory = 1009
    shell = /bin/bash
    ovlThreads = 64
    gridEngineArraySubmitID = $TASK_ID
    frgMinLen = 64
    gridEngineSubmitCommand = qsub
    submitToGrid = 0
    threads = 64
    doUnitigSplitting = 0
    asmCns = pbutgcns
    libraryname = sampleDataOxford
    maxUncorrectedGap = 1500
    bowtie =
    sensitive = 0
    asmCnsErrorRate = 0.3

    ----------------------------------------START Mon Aug 17 15:55:18 2015
    /gpfs0/apps/well/wgs/8.3rc1/Linux-amd64/bin/runCA -s /data2/users/rachel/projects/initial/phillippy_method/sampleDataOxford//tempsampleDataOxford/sampleDataOxford.spec -p asm -d tempsampleDataOxford stopAfter=initialStoreBuilding /data2/users/rachel/projects/initial/phillippy_method/sampleDataOxford//tempsampleDataOxford/sampleDataOxford.frg
    usage: runCA -d

    -p <prefix> [options] <frg> ...
    -d Use as the working directory. Required
    -p <prefix> Use <prefix> as the output prefix. Required

    -s <specFile> Read options from the specifications file <specfile>.
    <specfile> can also be one of the following key words:
    [no]OBT - run with[out] OBT
    noVec - run with OBT but without Vector
    -version Version information
    -help This information
    -options Describe specFile options, and show default values

    <frg> CA formatted fragment file

    Complete documentation at

    'falconOptions' is not a valid option; see 'runCA -options' for a list of valid options.
    'falconForce' is not a valid option; see 'runCA -options' for a list of valid options.
    ----------------------------------------END Mon Aug 17 15:55:18 2015 (0 seconds)
    gkStore::gkStore()-- GateKeeper Store '/data2/users/rachel/projects/initial/phillippy_method/sampleDataOxford//tempsampleDataOxford/asm.gkpStore' doesn't exist.
    Error: The PacBio library 0 must be the last library loaded but it preceedes 0. Please double-check your input files and try again. at /apps/well/wgs/8.3rc1/Linux-amd64/bin/PBcR line 1462.
    When I try instead with the two falcon options commented out in the spec file, it runs for longer, eventually failing with:
    ----------------------------------------START Tue Aug 18 12:28:55 2015
    /usr/bin/env perl /gpfs0/apps/well/wgs/8.3rc1/Linux-amd64/bin/ -euid /data2/users/rachel/projects/initial/phillippy_method/sampleDataOxford/JR_FAA56953_22072015_Kox_CAV1374/9-terminator/asm.asm
    Can't locate Statistics/ in @INC (@INC contains: /apps/well/bioperl/1.6.923 /apps/well/bioperl/1.6.923 /apps/well/bioperl/1.6.923 /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at /gpfs0/apps/well/wgs/8.3rc1/Linux-amd64/bin/ line 18.
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /gpfs0/apps/well/wgs/8.3rc1/Linux-amd64/bin/ line 18.
    ----------------------------------------END Tue Aug 18 12:28:55 2015 (0 seconds)
    ERROR: Failed with signal INT (2)
    The Cleaner has arrived. Doing 'none'.
    ----------------------------------------END Tue Aug 18 12:28:55 2015 (1816 seconds)

    I've tried with a few different PBcR builds (8.2, 8.3rc1, 8.3rc2) and for each with the falcon_sense options in the spec file, or commented out. With them in, I universally get the 'not a valid option' error, and when they are left out, it breaks with different errors for each sample (6 bacterial genomes). I've also tried downloading FALCON and adding to my path with no success.

    Am I missing some prerequisite software, or misunderstanding the how-to guide for assembline the MinION dataset?

    Sent from because you indicated interest in
    To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



    Support Requests: #22

  • Rachel Norris

    Rachel Norris - 2015-08-19

    Thanks! This has fixed the falcon_sense problem. I've run into a new one with
    fastqToCA: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found
    but since this is an issue with updating a library, I've taken it to rescomp.

    • Sergey Koren

      Sergey Koren - 2015-08-19

      This is most likely because the assembler was built with a newer GCC (4.8.3) than you have available on your system. If you can build the code from source on your system or install the newer GCC release, the issue should be resolved.

      On Aug 19, 2015, at 9:23 AM, Rachel Norris wrote:

      Thanks! This has fixed the falcon_sense problem. I've run into a new one with
      fastqToCA: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found
      but since this is an issue with updating a library, I've taken it to rescomp.

      [support-requests:#22] Assembling a MinION dataset - spec falcon_sense options problems

      Status: open
      Group: v1.0_(example)
      Created: Tue Aug 18, 2015 02:10 PM UTC by Rachel Norris
      Last Updated: Tue Aug 18, 2015 02:10 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      I have been trying to use PBcR to assemble the example MinION dataset given in with the spec file as given. However when I do, I get the following stack:

      Reading options from '../sampleDataOxford/oxford.spec'

      Reading options from the command line.

      Warning: no frag files specified, assuming self-correction of pacbio sequences.
      Running with 64 threads and 200 partitions
      which: no bank-transact in
      * Starting correction...
      CA: /gpfs0/apps/well/wgs/8.3rc1/Linux-amd64/bin
      SMRTportal:/apps/well/wgs/8.3rc1/Linux-amd64/bin (blasr
      * Configuration Summary *
      bankPath =
      gridEngineNameOption = -cwd -N
      gridEngineHoldOption = -hold_jid "WAIT_TAG"
      maxCoverage = 40
      utgErrorLimit = 6.5
      fastqFile = ../../data/sampleDataOxford/
      gridEnginePropagateCommand = qalter -hold_jid "WAIT_TAG"
      partitions = 200
      asmOvlErrorRate = 0.3
      QV = 54.5
      assemble = 1
      gridEngineArrayOption = -t ARRAY_JOBS
      asmObtErrorRate = 0.03
      gridEngineJobID = JOB_ID
      specFile = ../sampleDataOxford/oxford.spec
      longReads = 1
      cnsMinFrags = 1000
      falconOptions = --max_n_read 200 --min_idt 0.50 --output_multi --local_match_count_threshold 0
      unitigger = bogart
      mhap =
      ovlRefBlockLength = 100000000000
      gridOptionsOverlap = -pe threads 16 -l mem=2GB
      cnsErrorRate = 0.25
      assembleCoverage = 25
      mhapVersion = 1.5b1
      cnsConcurrency = 64
      asmUtgErrorRate = 0.3
      blasr =
      merylThreads = 64
      ovlRefBlockSize = 0
      batOptions = -RS -CS
      falconcns = 1
      utgErrorRate = 0.25
      gridOptions =
      mhapPrecompute = 1
      cgwErrorRate = 0.25
      pbcns = 0
      ovlStoreMemory = 1033892
      asmOBT = 0
      scriptOnGrid = 0
      asmMerSize = 22
      length = 500
      merSize = 14
      utgGraphErrorLimit = 0
      utgGraphErrorRate = 0.3
      gridEngineSyncOption = -sync y
      gridEngineTaskID = SGE_TASK_ID
      useGrid = 0
      utgMergeErrorRate = 0.3
      genomeSize = 4650000
      gridOptionsCorrection = -pe threads 16 -l mem=2GB
      cleanup = 1
      gridOptionsConsensus = -pe threads 16
      coverageCutoff = 0
      doOverlapBasedTrimming = 0
      gridOptionsScript = -pe threads 1
      gridEngineArrayName = ARRAY_NAME
      samFOFN =
      ovlErrorRate = 0.25
      ovlHashBlockLength = 1000000000
      ovlConcurrency = 1
      merylMemory = 1033892
      asmObtErrorLimit = 4.5
      gridEngineOutputOption = -j y -o
      repeats =
      falconForce = 1
      onlyContained = 0
      consensusConcurrency = 64
      shortReads =
      utgMergeErrorLimit = 0
      gridEngineNameToJobIDCommand =
      doFragmentCorrection = 1
      asmCgwErrorRate = 0.3
      ovlMemory = 1009
      shell = /bin/bash
      ovlThreads = 64
      gridEngineArraySubmitID = $TASK_ID
      frgMinLen = 64
      gridEngineSubmitCommand = qsub
      submitToGrid = 0
      threads = 64
      doUnitigSplitting = 0
      asmCns = pbutgcns
      libraryname = sampleDataOxford
      maxUncorrectedGap = 1500
      bowtie =
      sensitive = 0
      asmCnsErrorRate = 0.3

      ----------------------------------------START Mon Aug 17 15:55:18 2015
      /gpfs0/apps/well/wgs/8.3rc1/Linux-amd64/bin/runCA -s /data2/users/rachel/projects/initial/phillippy_method/sampleDataOxford//tempsampleDataOxford/sampleDataOxford.spec -p asm -d tempsampleDataOxford stopAfter=initialStoreBuilding /data2/users/rachel/projects/initial/phillippy_method/sampleDataOxford//tempsampleDataOxford/sampleDataOxford.frg
      usage: runCA -d

      -p <prefix> [options] <frg> ...
      -d Use as the working directory. Required
      -p <prefix> Use <prefix> as the output prefix. Required

      -s <specFile> Read options from the specifications file <specfile>.
      <specfile> can also be one of the following key words:
      [no]OBT - run with[out] OBT
      noVec - run with OBT but without Vector
      -version Version information
      -help This information
      -options Describe specFile options, and show default values

      <frg> CA formatted fragment file

      Complete documentation at

      'falconOptions' is not a valid option; see 'runCA -options' for a list of valid options.
      'falconForce' is not a valid option; see 'runCA -options' for a list of valid options.
      ----------------------------------------END Mon Aug 17 15:55:18 2015 (0 seconds)
      gkStore::gkStore()-- GateKeeper Store '/data2/users/rachel/projects/initial/phillippy_method/sampleDataOxford//tempsampleDataOxford/asm.gkpStore' doesn't exist.
      Error: The PacBio library 0 must be the last library loaded but it preceedes 0. Please double-check your input files and try again. at /apps/well/wgs/8.3rc1/Linux-amd64/bin/PBcR line 1462.
      When I try instead with the two falcon options commented out in the spec file, it runs for longer, eventually failing with:
      ----------------------------------------START Tue Aug 18 12:28:55 2015
      /usr/bin/env perl /gpfs0/apps/well/wgs/8.3rc1/Linux-amd64/bin/ -euid /data2/users/rachel/projects/initial/phillippy_method/sampleDataOxford/JR_FAA56953_22072015_Kox_CAV1374/9-terminator/asm.asm
      Can't locate Statistics/ in @INC (@INC contains: /apps/well/bioperl/1.6.923 /apps/well/bioperl/1.6.923 /apps/well/bioperl/1.6.923 /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at /gpfs0/apps/well/wgs/8.3rc1/Linux-amd64/bin/ line 18.
      BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /gpfs0/apps/well/wgs/8.3rc1/Linux-amd64/bin/ line 18.
      ----------------------------------------END Tue Aug 18 12:28:55 2015 (0 seconds)
      ERROR: Failed with signal INT (2)
      The Cleaner has arrived. Doing 'none'.
      ----------------------------------------END Tue Aug 18 12:28:55 2015 (1816 seconds)

      I've tried with a few different PBcR builds (8.2, 8.3rc1, 8.3rc2) and for each with the falcon_sense options in the spec file, or commented out. With them in, I universally get the 'not a valid option' error, and when they are left out, it breaks with different errors for each sample (6 bacterial genomes). I've also tried downloading FALCON and adding to my path with no success.

      Am I missing some prerequisite software, or misunderstanding the how-to guide for assembline the MinION dataset?

      Sent from because you indicated interest in
      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



      Support Requests: #22

  • Sergey Koren

    Sergey Koren - 2015-11-16
    • status: open --> closed

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