
Jan Nikolas Jansen
Project Admins:

The WGDIEngine is a simple game engine that relies solely on the functions naturally provided by the WinAPI. It was developed for educative purposes and is not meant for usage in complex projects, as it is optimized for understanding, not performance.

Designed as an abstract generic Singleton class, you need to derive your own engine from this class and customize it to fit your needs.

WGDIEngine is made to support the most basic necessities of simple games providing an interface for key and mouse input and using double buffered drawings as output. There is no sound or extended image support. If you need this, use a real game engine instead.

If you find any bugs, or have suggestions helping me improve this game engine that will not exceed its purpose, please contact me at jannikolas.jansen@googlemail.com. Thank you.

View the full documentation at http://wgdieengine.eu5.org