
WebTorrent / News: Recent posts

WebTorrent 0.2 Nearing an Alpha release!

After many months of nothing, the WebTorrent project is finally nearing an Alpha release. The users on WebTorrent know that the promise of WT0.2 has been hovering around for quite some time with little to show for it. To be honest, I am a university student and I have a job as a network engineer and in the past months I had little time to work on this project. But mid year holidays have arrived and i'm putting the pedal to the metal. I'm aiming to release an alpha within the next two weeks and a Beta within two weeks of that. So stay tuned, keep refreshing and soon It will be out =).

Posted by Entropy 2005-07-11

WebTorrent 0.1 Out, WebTorrent 0.2 In development

In spite of the fact that I was getting no bug reports with a bunch of people at least trying the system. Thanks to all that did try, and submit bugs. But I'm not going to wait around forever to get more bug reports. Everything that was wrong in 0.1-Beta2 has been fixed in 0.1. 0.2 Development has started. I expect to release an alpha before new years, But I'm not certain. Have a look at 'The Feature Stack - 0.2' in the feature request section. I have made a list there of the likely upcoming features in 0.2. If you have any other feature requests, request them as a separate feature in the section. Thank you all.... read more

Posted by Entropy 2004-12-05

WebTorrent 0.1-Beta2 Is Out!

Update now, Beta2 has a major design flaw fix, the old releases (Beta, Alpha) still have this present. Please submit bug reports in the sourceforge bug tracker if you find one. Please make it as detailed as possible including the torrent you used and where you got it from along with a thorough description of the issue.

Posted by Entropy 2004-10-23