
#9 PxDB prefs auto_approve testing broken

Sandy Smith

The auto_approve pref, to my understanding, should work
like this:

pref_name: auto_approve
pref_key: datatype ID (integer)
pref_value: 0 for don't auto approve and 1 for do auto

Universally it appears that it in fact works like this:

pref_name: auto_approve
pref_key: datatype ID (integer)
pref_value: 0 or 1 for do auto approve.

Currently, there is a workaround:

If the pref is not set for a given datatype (i.e.,
there is no key in the auto_approve pref for that
datatype ID), it forces new content to be approved.

While I agree that's a good default, it's probably
worth correcting to behave as one would expect.


  • Hans Lellelid

    Hans Lellelid - 2003-03-31

    Logged In: YES

    The value of the auto_approve pref is not an on/off switch, but rather
    _should_ be the guid of the user/group who can auto_approve
    content. Setting auto_approve, therefore, to 1 would mean that
    content is automatically approved when user 'admin' (assuming that's
    ID 1) is submitting it. Setting it to 0 means 'everyone'. etc.

  • Sandy Smith

    Sandy Smith - 2003-03-31

    Logged In: YES

    In that case, this behavior:

    "If the pref is not set for a given datatype (i.e.,
    there is no key in the auto_approve pref for that
    datatype ID), it forces new content to be approved."

    is broken and should be the bug.

  • Hans Lellelid

    Hans Lellelid - 2003-03-31

    Logged In: YES

    Well, certainly a non empty value for 'approve_disable' will
    automatically approve everything. ... but I don't see the logic
    hole in 'approve_auto' code, so not sure what the issue is.

    The relevant code is in pxdb_commit lines 1109-1126.

    $approve_auto_ugids = $this->prefs->get_array
    ('approve_auto', $this->datatype);

    This should _only_ return a non-empty array of values if the
    exact match is found. Which means that if there is
    no 'auto_approve' for the specified datatype, then the record
    wouldn't be approved.

    Maybe the problem is elsewhere in the pxdb code ... or
    elsewhere in the calling code.

  • Sandy Smith

    Sandy Smith - 2003-03-31
    • labels: 504865 --> content services (context)
  • Sandy Smith

    Sandy Smith - 2003-03-31

    Logged In: YES

    Then the bug isn't in the base classes, it's in Context's
    consumption of that information. I'm switching this bug to

    If approve_disable being 0 will approve everything, that's a
    bug as well. The expectation in the rest of the db model is
    that any switch should be 0 or no value == false, 1 == true.
    If it's not a switch, then I don't understand its expected

    The situation where the global setting approve_disable is
    overridden by auto_approve should never occur, IMHO.
    Logically, if certain datatypes are to be auto-approved but
    everything else is to be approved, then approve_disable
    should not be set (or set to 0) and the auto_approve set for
    the special datatypes.

  • Hans Lellelid

    Hans Lellelid - 2003-03-31

    Logged In: YES

    Right, bug is probably in Context.

    'approve_disable' being 0 will not disable everything. By
    "non-empty" I just meant non-empty() :-) The code looks
    something like:

    if ($prefs->get_pref('approve_disable')) {
    } elesif ($prefs->get_array('auto_approve')) {

    So ... the situation where approve_disable is overridden by
    auto_approve will never arise.

  • Sandy Smith

    Sandy Smith - 2003-03-31
    • status: open --> closed-invalid
  • Sandy Smith

    Sandy Smith - 2003-03-31

    Logged In: YES

    So setting approve_disable to 0 will cause everything to
    require approval, because it's not-not-approving. However,
    setting a certain datatype to 0 in auto approve will cause
    it to automatically be approved, because everybody is
    approved even though it's not-not-approved.

    Eeeaaagh. OK, not a bug, but maybe a labeling issue.

  • Sandy Smith

    Sandy Smith - 2003-03-31

    Logged In: YES

    So setting approve_disable to 0 will cause everything to
    require approval, because it's not-not-approving. However,
    setting a certain datatype to 0 in auto approve will cause
    it to automatically be approved, because everybody is
    approved even though it's not-not-approved.

    Eeeaaagh. OK, not a bug, but maybe a labeling issue.

  • Hans Lellelid

    Hans Lellelid - 2003-03-31

    Logged In: YES

    Heh :-) yes, I think that's right.

    I think of it as basically two options in the system 1)
    disable the approval mechanism completely with
    'approve_disable' being set to some non-empty() value, or 2)
    have the approval system enabled (by not doing the above),
    and then selectively [based on datatype] choose which
    content (if any) can be automatically approved by certain
    users/groups. Yes, the exception is that in the second case
    a value of '0' is confusing, because it's a reference to a
    ugid ("Everybody"), not to a boolean value.


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