
WebPython / News: Recent posts

WebPython 0.6.4 Released

With this release, WebPython has gained database caching through the use of memcached, which greatly speeds up database reads. A new version of the Tutorial Blog (using this new feature) has also been released.

Posted by Collin 2005-12-04

WebPython 0.6.2 Released

With this release, the database layer has been significantly modularized and overhauled; database-engine specific classes now inherit from common base classes.

New in this release is the VirtualTable object, with gives developers an immutable, searchable, table-like object on the application level. Eventually, all database access calls will return VirtualTables, but not yet.

Posted by Collin 2005-10-26

Tutorial Blog 1.1.0 Released

This is the new version of the Tutorial Blog, which is now compatible with WebPython 0.6.1.

Posted by Collin 2005-10-16

WebPython 0.6.1 Released

Today marks WebPython's return to life with release 0.6.1.
We now have an Update function for persistent methods. Check out the changelog for full details.

Posted by Collin 2005-09-21

Database tutorial delayed

The database tutorial I'm working on has been temporarily delayed, given that I'm currently cleaning up the database layer. And adding some new features, while I'm at it.

Posted by Collin 2005-08-25

WebPython 0.5.1 Released

This is a bug-fixing release. It corrects a show-stopper bug in AddTable in the mysql module.

Posted by Collin 2005-08-15

WebPython in the Daily Python-URL

Wow... Only two full days from release and my project has made it into the Daily Python URL! OK, it's only a tiny blurb with a link, but still.

Posted by Collin 2005-08-08

Home page now online

I just finished loading the WebPython site into our allotted web space. This site includes the manual, which I hope will answer questions as to the nature of the project.

Posted by Collin 2005-08-06

WebPython 0.5.0

This is the first release for WebPython, a Python web-application toolkit. For this release, we have a relatively comprehensive set of features, but more will certainly follow. The website will be up soon.

Posted by Collin 2005-08-06