
webminstats 2.11 (stable) released

the main change is big rewrite to allow compatibility with themes (tested with authentic theme)

bugfix :
fix bug with install on webmin >= 1.73
fix bug on action operator =, add new operators >= and <=
fix warning about ps output (bug 81)
fix clone registration when copy data
* (display.js) bugfix, recode and debug code

new features :
add navigation on config_action
compatibility with authentic theme
* can configure the number of icons by row

improvement :
add cancel button on config_action
add cancel button on empty_mod.cgi,config_display_all.cgi,delete_mod.cgi
remove html code and use ui-lib to allow themes works (partial)
(diskio) in init, check for device changes
* at bottom, add links to return to main page

internal :
new html_link, html_color
(display_all) split code to have small functions

Posted by eric gerbier 2015-04-09

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