
meeting is not launching sign Applet N ini

  • sanjiv kumar

    sanjiv kumar - 2009-02-23

    meeting is not launching in linux in any web-browser. giving the problem applet is not initialized.
    while in windows working fine.
    is there is a problem is signed jar files.
    How can i solved this problem.

    plz suggest.

    • John McCaughey

      John McCaughey - 2009-02-24

      What web browser are you using in Linux?  Can this browser open other java applets?

      Konqueror does not seem to handle signed applets correctly.

      Also, what Java plugin are you using?  IF it is not the Sun one it may not support signed applets.

    • sanjiv kumar

      sanjiv kumar - 2009-02-25

      I am using firefox3.0.6. and plugin of sun. jre1.6
      but still there is a problem with all other applet also.
      so i will first rectifying the problem of applet. than i will run webhuddle.

      i need to set the plugin properly.

      thanks for reply...


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