
Web Huddle Source Code

  • Suganthi Elangovan

    We have downloaded source code from Source forge website but unable to run the source code as there are lot of files are missing in the project like etc com.sts.webmeet.server.interfaces.* package(missing) . We require the full source code for our elearning project.
    We really appreciate if somebody from team or community will help us in finding the complete source code of webhuddle project.


    Suganthi Elangovan

    • John McCaughey

      John McCaughey - 2009-02-02

      All the source code is there -- nothing is hidden :)  If you follow the instructions in the download, you can compile, deploy and run WebHuddle on your own server.

      I did not write '' -- it is part of a library for interfacing with, written by that project (also open source). 'com.sts.webmeet.server.interfaces.*' are source files that get generated as part of the build process.


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