
Usermin Mac Leopard (10.5)

IM Scary
  • IM Scary

    IM Scary - 2008-04-15

    We're using usermin/webmin on Mac OSX 10.5 (workstation). It sees no users. I believe this is because the deprecated netinfo commands have been eliminated (and of course the users are not in the password file).

    Anyone found the right combination of dscl commands to see/create the users and do authentication?

    • M Hopcroft

      M Hopcroft - 2008-04-15

      I'm not using 10.5 yet, but considering it.

      Can you use PAM instead of nidump? Thats how I have the Authentication module configured.
      Is the Authentication module the only module that needs to change?

      There are some clues to replacing nidump with dscl commands in this post on macosxhints:


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