Hi there,

I'm wondering if installing the php5-mcrypt package from the APT pacakge installer located in: System -> Software Packages requires a restart of the server? I only ask as I have installed it, no errors were provided in the output of the log and as such I have tried to reference the php function: "mcrypt_encrypt" and php throws out an "undefined function" error. I checked the phpinfo(); tag and it shows that it's not reading the configuration from the mcrypt.ini file as of yet. It all seems to be pointing to a yes but this is a dedicated server we are talking about for a very large company that happens to have webmin software running as the control panel for easier managing of the server.

With all that being said, should I restart the server completely or is there a way to dynamically load the php module without having to restart the entire server? Any insight would be very much appreciated, thanks.