
Sendmail Relay Domains (CR)

  • nedxbaxter

    nedxbaxter - 2006-11-15

    Question is? what file is webmin modifying?

    Webmin 1.290 
    Sendmail Relay Domains (CR) (:10000/sendmail/list_relay.cgi) 

    My Procedure:

    1. I removed all virtual domains listed within the text area and saved them into XP notepad by cut/paste. 
    2. (This server uses ENSIM to add domains and that is how this file came into existence). 
    3. The file WAS listed something like this:

    [DEFAULT] = site1 = site2 = site3

    then I clicked SAVE.
    Using SSH service sendmail restart, yep, sendmail stopped working. ok. everything stopped.. ok...

    Then I pasted my orignial site info back into the text area but it wouldn't save because the = sign.

    Is not the Webmin file accessing and modifying the /etc/virtualhosting/mappings/smtp_relay.domainmap file?

    If so they are not jiving, jibs.

    How can I restore the original data? I have no email working on 25 sites.

    Help. Thank you.

    • nedxbaxter

      nedxbaxter - 2006-11-15

      Got it! I gotted it!

      Webmin modifies the following file:

      It should be and would be very~cool if the page titled "Relay Domains" had a little instruction piece that stated the following:

      This page will modify the "sendmail.domainmap" conf file under /etc/virtualhosting/mappings/, yep.

      Thanks jibs.


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