
DHCP Server - Viewing Leases

  • Bryan

    Bryan - 2007-05-03

    Not able to view leases provided by DHCP server.  I have the configuration set for root to be able to View Leases, under the Webmin Config settings for ROOT.

    I get the following message when I attempt to List Active Leases:
    The DHCPd lease file /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases does not contain any leases.

    I know that they are at least 100 IPs currently in use, and nothing reported as active leases.  I changed the permissions on /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases to 775, to leave it WIDE open, and still nothing.

    Any suggestions or anyone else run into the same issue???


    • rj elleray

      rj elleray - 2007-05-03

      please check that
      1 the dhcp leases are not old ones with long lease time ( command line ipconfig /renew )
      2 there is not another dhcp server running (stop yours and issue ipconfig /renew)


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