Justin - 2012-08-04

I recently migrated to a new server and managed to successfully restore my virtual servers using the restore option built in to virtualmin. I also restored the webmin configuration using the same tactic. However, I am unable to get FTP to work. I'm relatively green on this, so I don't know what information is needed for assistance (in other words, please be gentle).

The virtual servers seem to be setup correctly, and my router and firewall seem to be working normally. I'm using Filezilla as my FTP client. When I attempt to login, I get the following output:

Status: Resolving address of ftp.host.com
Status: Connecting to 68.xxx.xxx.xxx:21…
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message…
Error: Connection timed out
Error: Could not connect to server

Any help would be greatly appreciated.