
#843 Named process not recognising chroot


Just upgraded to 1.030 from 1.000

Within the BIND DNS section, instead of seeing "Apply
Changes", it shows "Start Server", whch if its pressed,

Failed to start BIND : usage: named [-c conffile] [-d
debuglevel] [-f|-g]
[-n number_of_cpus] [-p port] [-s] [-t chrootdir] [-u
/usr/local/sbin/named: extra command line arguments

This is running against BIND 9.1.3, within a chroot
environment. Rolling back to 1.000 works fine.

PS. Does the 9.2.1 bug also apply on 9.22rc1 ? I would
like to upgrade to this very soon.

Thanks Richard


  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2002-11-25

    Logged In: YES

    The 'apply changes' button only appears if webmin detects
    that BIND
    is running, which it does by looking at the PID file. The
    path to the PID file
    comes from the pid-file line in named.conf , with the chroot
    from the Module Config page prepended. Are all those
    settings right on
    your system?

  • Richard Whelan

    Richard Whelan - 2002-12-12

    Logged In: YES


    I have just finished creating a brand new machine, with a lot
    more complicated BIND, it's got three views as well as the
    other standard options. I have installed 1.030 on, and just
    configured the BIND section. It appears that the initial
    process doesn't recognise the chroot. Even though it is
    defined as having one, it is still trying to find the named
    process in the "standard" location, in my
    case, /usr/local/sbin/named, instead of pre-pending the
    chroot to the path. As soon as I copy the named file into the
    area outside of the chroot, it is recognised.

    Slightly different to the problem below, but still related to the
    chroot problem.

    Can I also ask a quick question regarding rndc. Again, I have
    added in the path for rndc, /usr/local/sbin/rndc. At what point
    does it try to use rndc. I have just gone and changed the
    serial number of a zone. After it was saved, I expected it to
    show, "Apply changes" and the zone level, but it only
    showed "Delete Zone". If I go back, and press on Apply, it
    does look like it's doing the right thing. Is this expected ? Or
    should I be seeing the wrong buttons ?



  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2002-12-13

    Logged In: YES

    The module doesn't look for the named program under the
    chroot directory,
    because it usually does the chroot itself with the -t flag.
    This means that
    when the executable is run, the chroot is not yet in effect.

    As for the rndc problem, that path should not be relative to
    the chroot
    directory .. Also, the apply button only appears for master

  • Richard Whelan

    Richard Whelan - 2003-01-28

    Logged In: YES


    Following up on this entry. The original problem has now
    gone. I do however still have the rndc problem. I will close this
    bug, and submit a new one for that alone.


  • Richard Whelan

    Richard Whelan - 2003-01-28
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Richard Whelan

    Richard Whelan - 2003-01-28

    Logged In: YES


    Following up on this entry. The original problem has now
    gone. I do however still have the rndc problem. I will close this
    bug, and submit a new one for that alone.



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