
#4440 Virtual Server disk quotas not working on OpenVZ

Steven Page

On my OpenVZ server, I have noticed that Disk Quotas are not functioning for virtual servers.

From what I understand, OpenVZ implements quotas per user and group, but only on the Root file system.

This was working before, but seems to have stopped working in a more recent release.

Quotas Still Work. If i use the Webmin module to set disk quotas per user and group, they are still functional, and I can still receive alerts, and send users alerts when they near, or are over their quota.

However, the front page cannot display quotas per virtual server, and since it is not working with Virtualmin, you cannot disable sites that go over their quota.

I think the problem is that it's looking for the Quota, set against the users home directory (under /home/*). due to the fact that their is only one partition (the root file system), the quota tab files are under located at /aqutoa.user & /

Is there any chance to get a setting in Virtualmin that allows to choose a mount point when Enabling user quotas?



  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2014-06-28

    Virtualmin will check if quotas are enabled on whatever filesystem contains /home (by default), which is either / or /home if the latter is a separate FS.

    Try going to System Settings -> Re-Check Configuration in Virtualmin, and see if it reports that quotas are active or not.

  • Steven Page

    Steven Page - 2014-06-28

    right. i forgot to include the error i get when doing what you have suggested. sorry about that that

    The module could not find the mount point for your home directories
    filesystem /home/jail/home. Quotas editing has been disabled

    could this be because OpenVZ considers the root file system to be mounted to a psuedo-device/simulated filesystem? here is the relevant line from /etc/mtab

    /dev/simfs / simfs rw,relatime,usrquota,grpquota 0 0

    thanks again for the prompt reply


    Last edit: Steven Page 2014-06-28
  • Steven Page

    Steven Page - 2014-06-28

    wait, there is not line in fstab

    could this be the culprit?

    sorry if im just shooting in the dark

    edit: fstab does not include a mount point for the root file system. the home directory in question looks like this in fstab

    none /home/jail/home simfs
    defaults,rw,relatime,usrquota,grpquota,size=10G 0 0


    Last edit: Steven Page 2014-06-28
  • Steven Page

    Steven Page - 2014-06-28

    ill see if i can try and add my root filesystem to /etc/fstab and maybe that will help. (sorry for all the messages)

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2014-06-28

    Yes, you need to add a corresponding line to /etc/fstab

  • Steven Page

    Steven Page - 2014-06-28

    well, i'm pretty sure that it is working now. thanks jamie.

    unfortunately, i messed up a line while editing my fstab and my container wouldent boot up :3 had to go in thru the emergency console.

    regardless, I am very thankful to have got that cleared up.

    kind regards,

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2014-06-28
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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