
#4412 milter-greylist to error state / mail rate limiting isse

rate (1)
Steven Page


  • Steven Page

    Steven Page - 2014-05-20

    not sure what happened there... and i cant edit my blank post... anyways

    i was using milter-greylist on my satellite queue and forward mail servers as a very basic spam trap, greylisting, and white list checking...

    i noticed that you have created a module that allows us to use this application to ratelimit mail in conjunction with sendmail

    so i installed the plugin on my backend and enabled the rate limiting feature, but it seems that it does not work.

    on a completely clean install of milter-greylist and the rate limit plugin setup, the only feed back i can get (even after raising sendmail's logging verbosity to 9+), is that is successfully connects to the milter, than returns

    milter-greylist to error state

    thus, no ratelimiting is actually performed??

    this is on ubuntu 12.04 lts 64 bit, using sendmail as the MTA

    any ideas on how to debug this?

  • Steven Page

    Steven Page - 2014-05-20

    when i get a chance to poke around at sendmail again, ill try to provide more information.

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2014-05-20

    Are you using the greylisting / rate limiting feature of Virtualmin there?

  • Steven Page

    Steven Page - 2014-05-26

    I have not been able to get the rate limiting feature to work on any server. but for two different reasons.

    on the back end server, it simply returns "To Error State". I do not require any grey-listing on the back end, since these servers are running spam-assassin.

    on the "queue and forward" load balancing SMTP and Relay servers, it appears to work for the Global Limit, but i cannot select a specific user/domain:

    however, I am not using the "Mail for Domain" feature. but rather, I am using the "Mail Relay" feature or plugin. this is what i suspect is the issue on the front end.

    simply put, the back end has the issue. this issue is the vague error "Milter: To Error State"?

    again, when i get some time to further debug things, I'll see if i can provide additional information

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2014-05-26

    Does anything else appear in the logs before that line, perhaps explaining why it went to an error state? I'd be interested to see the actual log entries from before and after that "error state" line.


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