
#4327 mount drive by "Partition labelled" acts on first named, not selected

mount (2)

not serious but..
when 2+ partitions are labeled the same and case matches, and you want to mount a same named partition elsewhere, upon click SAVE webmin will take the first listed name in the "Partition labelled" drop-down list.

note: adding by "Disk" or "Partition with ID" instead works just fine and probably i should know that like labels are a no-no. but i figured i would mention this. it made me blink twice and it may ruin a newbie's day. Essentially this may just be a watchit issue with other fs conf files as well.

reason for bringing this up is we wanted to copy a partition to use when one hdd goes, they always do. we can easily work around this with relabeling later. but with usb services growing, it could be tangly.


  • gandolf

    gandolf - 2013-11-26

    Milestone: 1.660 but coulndt select it. never checked priors on this.

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2013-11-26

    Won't both entries in the "Partition labelled" list be the same though if they have the same label? Webmin will add an entry to /etc/fstab like :

    LABEL=foo /mnt/foo ext3 rw 0 1

    However, it is unclear which of the labelled partitions with the same name the system will mount in this case. I'd recommend against doing this actually :-)


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