
#4320 debian unstable: software packages updates not working


Both webmin 1.660 and 1.662 fail to detect available debian package updates in "Software Packages Updates" but do so in relevant sub-section of "Software packages". "apt-show-versions | grep xxxxxxx" reveals the update info for each package.

I don't believe the debug log is useful but will post if asked for. Anything else, just ask.


  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2013-11-13

    Can you post the output from apt-show-versions on your system? Also, the name of a package that should be updated.

  • ryates

    ryates - 2013-11-13

    Herewith. Confirmed again that Webmin does not display these updates, as decsribed.

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2013-11-14
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2013-11-14

    Thanks - it looks like the apt-show-versions format has changed. I will support this in the next Webmin release.

    The source patch is also available from

    • ryates

      ryates - 2013-11-14

      Hi, I applied the patch. Now just ifupdown is shown as updateable; others such as gcc-4.8-base do not. My previously attached files still apply.

      • ryates

        ryates - 2013-11-14

        Belay that! I had reloaded webmin, cleared cache, refreshed package list and ifupdown was all there was to see. A few hours later and the rest showed up properly. Strange but happy result. Sorry for the noise.....

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2013-11-14

    Ok, great! Maybe the old incorrect information was cached.

    • ryates

      ryates - 2013-11-14

      Sorry Jamie, I was inattentive. The updates that indeed showed in addition to ifupdown were new. The earlier updates that appeared along with ifupdown still remain invisible (saw them via CLI). Names with integers seems to be the commonality, as the new attachments suggest (the updates that showed had letter-only names). None of the updates recorded in the new attachments show up in "Software Packages Updates".


      Last edit: ryates 2013-11-14
  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2013-11-14

    So it looks like the package gcc-4.8-base is one of those that doesn't get detected as upgradeable.

    If you run "dpkg --list gcc-4.8-base" , what output do you get?

    • ryates

      ryates - 2013-11-14


  • ryates

    ryates - 2013-11-14

    On tor, 2013-11-14 at 22:50 +0000, Jamie Cameron wrote:

    dpkg --list gcc-4.8-base

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2013-11-15

    If you go to System -> Software Packages and search for gcc, does it show the package name as "gcc-4.8-base" or "gcc-4.8-base:i386" ?

    • ryates

      ryates - 2013-11-15

      gcc-4.8-base:i386 4.8.2-2

      That's the entire listing under heading "Package"

  • ryates

    ryates - 2013-11-15

    Latest commit fixes issue. Thanks.


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