
#4210 guest with static ip address does not allow contact


Host: Ubuntu 12.04
Guest: Ubuntu server 12.04

I have a guest setup with a bridged/NAT and I can see the internet only if have DHCP addressing for my guest. I need static IP addresses. If I set my guest with a static IP address it loses visibility of the internet. i.e. I cant ping, curl, wget etc.

I need static IP assignment and internet visibility.




  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2013-03-20

    Are you using Cloudmin there, or do you just have Webmin installed on a VM?

    It seems like you may need to setup a static default route, as you won't be getting one from DHCP. This can be done in the Network Configuration module, under Routing and Gateways.

  • laurence fass

    laurence fass - 2013-03-20

    i setup virtualmin/webmin on a VM.

    im just getting up and running... can you give me more detailed setup... as this sounds like a common use case is it worth including this in the main docs (or did I miss that part?)

    ps: these tools are awesome. why are they not part of standard ubuntu?

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2013-03-21

    There isn't really a setup doc for this, as most systems are configured correctly out of the box. But you can set a static IP in Virtualmin in the Network Configuration module, as mentioned..


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