
#4131 Mgetty does not run after being added to inittab

David Lam

After setting up a modem in "Serial Port Configuration" and clicking "Apply Configuration", mgetty does not run. The modules add an entry into /etc/inittab (2:2345:respawn:/sbin/mgetty ttyS0).

I'm running Webmin on a RHEL machine, and RHEL uses Upstart instead of SysV so adding jobs to the inittab file aren't read. Maybe a new file should be added to "/etc/init/"?


  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2012-08-16

    Are you sure RHEL uses upstart? I'm pretty sure it is still using classic init.

    Also, I'm surprised that anyone is still using a modem these days!

  • David Lam

    David Lam - 2012-08-16

    Yea, RHEL 6 uses upstart. Here's some documentation from RH about it (

    Dial-up modems are a throwback indeed.

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2012-08-18

    Thanks - I will take a look at RHEL 6 again. Most of my testing has been on CentOS 6, which is supposed to be a RHEL 6 clone ... but doesn't use upstart.

    Does /etc/inittab contain anything on your system, other the mgetty line Webmin adds?

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2012-08-22

    My mistake - RHEL 6 and CentOS 6 really do use upstart, which does away with /etc/inittab, so adding mgetty lines to it won't work :-(


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