
#4051 IP-Access-Control Bug


Since upgrade to version 1.580, Webmin can't resolve the hostname in the IP-Access-Control Module ... If I say: allow only * (which is the resolve of my actual ip), webmin tells me it won't work cause I'm getting blocked!

So, this function is uselss now. In Usermin everythings working and BEFORE the upgrade to 1.580 it worked (over years!!!) in webmin too. No other OS related things changed.


  • itsjustme

    itsjustme - 2012-02-02


  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2012-02-02

    This could happen if your IP doesn't reverse-resolve to a hostname that matches this regexp, or if the hostname that it does resolve to doesn't forward-resolve to the same IP ?

  • itsjustme

    itsjustme - 2012-02-03

    I'm on it since the update and tried it on/with different connections from several locations. Also, I was in contact with our provider (Telekom Germany) to make sure it's not a problem related to their system.

    If i trace my connection to " * " and set this to webmin, I get the message that I will be blocked. Same if I'm online on other connections. The same happens if I use it without wildcards. " " gets me blocked too. (and that should be a full match!) Only the clear IP is working :/

    As I said, it only happens to webmin module. If I use the same regexp in Usermin - it work as it should!

  • itsjustme

    itsjustme - 2012-02-03

    What about this here ? (the regexp was: * )

    Argument "*" isn't numeric in left bitshift (<<) at ./ line 1428.
    Argument "ipconnect" isn't numeric in left bitshift (<<) at ./ line 1429.
    Argument "dip0" isn't numeric in left bitshift (<<) at ./ line 1428.
    Argument "de" isn't numeric in left bitshift (<<) at ./ line 1429.
    Argument "t" isn't numeric in left bitshift (<<) at ./ line 1428.
    Use of uninitialized value in left bitshift (<<) at ./ line 1429.
    Use of uninitialized value in left bitshift (<<) at ./ line 1428.
    Use of uninitialized value in left bitshift (<<) at ./ line 1429.
    Error: Ihrer aktuellen IP-Adresse ( würde der Zugriff verweigert

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2012-02-03

    Can you tell me what your IP is, and what wildcard you actually entered? That way I can debug why Webmin thinks you would be blocked ..

  • itsjustme

    itsjustme - 2012-02-04

    My IP is dynamic like " or " so I will use " * or * " Yesterday I tested it on a new clean debian system with the latest webmin release, same error :-(

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2012-02-04

    Here's the problem - resolves to IP , but cannot be reverse-resolved. And Webmin depends on reverse-resolution to check if an IP matches some pattern, like *

    Your ISP typically controls reverse resolution for IPs it assigns.

  • itsjustme

    itsjustme - 2012-02-04

    Stop Stop Stop ... The posted IP was only an example (my ip changes every 24h due my provider, thats why I only posted an fictive IP). Sorry, I thougt you need it only to check the wildcard.

    Anyway ... the reverse lookup WORKS as it should be ..

    My IP at the moment:

    Trace from my rootserver:
    # nslookup
    # name =

    Thats why I told you that only the webmin module is affected. In Usermin the reverse lookup works very well, but not in the webmin module. So, thats why I think the error must be on webmin.

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2012-02-05

    You can try manually configuring Webmin to allow only IPs matching * by editing /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf , and at the end adding the line :


    then run /etc/webmin/restart

    Let me know if that allows you to login to Webmin or not ..

  • itsjustme

    itsjustme - 2012-02-05

    Nope, no changes - I'm still blocked ... I already tried this, several times.
    (after the update I also was forced to remove the host from miniserv.conf cause I was blocked.)

    Last night we setup a new clean debian install with the latest webmin release on a friends rootserver. Same error :-(

    PS: Thank you for your patience. Hope you/we can fix it

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2012-02-06

    If you login to the system running Webmin and run the command

    host x.x.x.x

    where x.x.x.x is the IP you are connecting from (it should also appear in the error message), what does it output exactly?

    Also, if you run


    where is the hostname that the previous host command returned, what does that output?

  • itsjustme

    itsjustme - 2012-02-06

    $ host domain name pointer

    $ host has address

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2012-02-06

    That looks OK, assuming you are trying to allow * ?

    In some cases, I've seen issues where the running Webmin process is caching an invalid DNS client confguration, causing DNS lookups to fail. Try running /etc/webmin/restart as root from the shell, and see if that helps..

  • itsjustme

    itsjustme - 2012-02-06

    Nope, still the same ...

    Game over, don't know what to do now :-(

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2012-02-07

    At this point, I'd suggest using IP network-based access control instead. You should be able to find the IP ranges that your ISP assigns, and grant access to all of them. This is actually more reliable, as wildcard-based access control can fail if DNS resolution is temporarily down..

  • Ben Liberman

    Ben Liberman - 2012-03-10

    To disable reverse lookup, in

  • itsjustme

    itsjustme - 2012-03-12

    no change at all ...

  • Ben Liberman

    Ben Liberman - 2012-03-12

    Did you restart webmin after making the change to the config file?



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