
#3251 Invalid Manpage error when viewing man pages

Ed Lally

I'm running Fedora 9, accessing Webmin 1.441 via Internet Explorer 6. My problem is with the System Documentation (man) module and started with either the upgrade to Fedora 9 or Webmin 1.441 (both happened within a few days of each other). I am using the default module settings.

If I search for a term, such as "postfix", I get a long list of results as expected. However, most entries do not include them name of the page for file, just the section. Where I expect to see "postfix (1)" instead I see "(1)". The exception is for pages/files referencing an RPM, e.g., "postfix (rpm)" which display normally.

Clicking on a link to the bad pages results in this message:
"Manual page for ()
Invalid Manpage
The requested file (stdin) is not a valid (unformatted) man page."

If I view the URL for that page, it looks like this:


If I manually re-write the URL to include the correct value for the 'page' parameter, it displays normally.

It appears the module is having difficulty with the name of certain man pages, but is still able find them and (if the URL is overridden) to display them.


  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2008-11-26

    I just confirmed this on own Fedora 9 system - the cause is an extra [] in the output of the man -k command.

    The next Webmin release will fix it.

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2008-11-26
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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