
#2334 Qmail-Ldap does not add users


The attempt to add a user to a virtual domain results
in this error. The Ldap server does have the qmail-ldap
schema installed and checking is turned on in the server

Failed to save mailbox : no structural object class

The results for the attempt to add to the server in
ldap are attached to this message.

Is there anything that prevents this from working as I
am able to configure users and get mail delivered
through the Qmail-Ldap?


  • Philip S. Hempel

    syslog of slapd request from webmin to add domain user

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2005-11-18

    Logged In: YES

    Try clicking on the Module Config link, and adding 'person'
    to the 'Other objectClasses to add to new users' field.

  • Philip S. Hempel

    Logged In: YES

    Added the people object as you suggested..

    I had before added all of the classess and attributes that
    were in the qmail-ldap schema, with no luck.

    I have attached the output of the slapd server

  • Philip S. Hempel

    syslog of slapd request from webmin to add domain user with the object people added

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2005-11-18

    Logged In: YES

    You added 'person' rather than 'people' , right?
    If that still doesn't work, try adding 'top' as well..

  • Philip S. Hempel

    Logged In: YES

    Yes I had added person. I addes top as well and then I tried
    for giggles to use inetOrgPerson

    Same results

    BTW what is the seperator character that is to be used?

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2005-11-18

    Logged In: YES

    The separator is a space .. is that what you were using?

  • Philip S. Hempel

    Logged In: YES

    yes space is what I was using

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2005-11-18

    Logged In: YES

    Just to clarify, are you doing this in the LDAP Users and
    Groups module, or the Virtualmin module .. and if the
    latter, which version of Virtualmin are you using?

  • Philip S. Hempel

    Logged In: YES

    I am doing it in Virtualmin and it is version 2.609

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2005-11-18

    Logged In: YES

    Ok .. and I presume that in Virtualmin, the 'Mail server to
    configure' is set to 'Qmail+LDAP' ?
    You should also leave the 'Store users and groups' set to
    'Local files', as this will only apply to non-mail users..

  • Philip S. Hempel

    Logged In: YES

    yes to all the above.. these have been the setting I have
    used. I think store waa set to local files as default

  • Philip S. Hempel

    Logged In: YES

    Here are errors I get when adding a domain with aliases

    Adding default mail aliases ..
    .. Mail for domain failed! : no structural object class
    provided at ../ line 823

  • Philip S. Hempel

    Logged In: YES

    I have turned off schema checking and the results are I can
    add users accounts for qmail. The resulting account is void
    of top person or any other object class save qmailUser.

    I changed local in to look like this

    local $attrs = [ "objectClass" => "top",
    "objectClass" => "person",
    "objectClass" => "qmailUser",
    "sn" => "$box",
    "cn" => "$user",
    "uid" => "$box-$dom",
    "deliveryMode" => "nolocal",
    "mail" => $box."\@".$dom,
    "mailForwardingAddress" =>
    $_[0]->{'to'} ];

    This allows additions.. but I know there may be other bugs

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2005-11-24
    • status: open --> closed
  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2005-11-24

    Logged In: YES

    Thanks, I see the problem now .. it is caused by LDAP
    aliases, not LDAP users. I will fix this in the next release
    of Virtualmin.


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