
#2051 man page search fails on Mandrake 10.1

Edward Rudd

doing a man page search on mandrake 10.1 fails to find
any results.

man -k test
man -k 'test'
yield results from the command line but when webmin
executes that it returns nothing.

I put pieces of debugging code in the search.cgi and
the command is being set correctly to "man -k 'test'".
but the return from the command withinn webmin is
test: nothing appropriate

Also the default manpath for mandrake within webmin is
set to /usr/man where as Mandrake users /usr/share/man
(at least in 10.1 it does)


  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2005-04-19

    Logged In: YES

    If you run the command
    man -k test
    at the shell prompt, what exactly does it output?

  • Edward Rudd

    Edward Rudd - 2005-04-20

    Logged In: YES

    root]# man -k test
    ExtUtils::testlib (3pm) - add blib/* directories to @INC
    filetest (3pm) - Perl pragma to control the
    filetest permission operators
    floppyd (1) - floppy daemon for remote access
    to floppy drive floppyd_installtest - tests whether floppyd
    is installed and running
    floppyd_installtest (1) - tests whether floppyd is
    installed and running
    imtest (1) - interactive IMAP test program
    lmtptest (1) - interactive LMTP test program
    Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Hashcash (3pm) - perform
    hashcash verification tests
    Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF (3pm) - perform SPF
    verification tests
    mbadblocks (1) - tests a floppy disk, and marks
    the bad blocks in the FAT
    Memoize::ExpireFile (3pm) - test for Memoize expiration
    Memoize::ExpireTest (3pm) - test for Memoize expiration
    mtoolstest (1) - tests and displays the configuration
    mupdatetest (1) - interactive MUPDATE test program
    nntptest (1) - interactive NNTP test program
    pam_selinux_check (8) - login program to test
    pop3test (1) - interactive POP3 test program
    qmqp-sink (8) - multi-threaded QMQP test server
    qmqp-source (8) - multi-threaded QMQP test generator
    sivtest (1) - interactive MANAGESIEVE test program
    smtp-sink (8) - multi-threaded SMTP/LMTP test server
    smtp-source (8) - multi-threaded SMTP/LMTP test
    smtptest (1) - interactive SMTP test program
    speed (1) - test library performance
    test (1) - check file types and compare values
    Test (3pm) - provides a simple framework
    for writing test scripts
    Test::Builder (3pm) - Backend for building test
    test [builtins] (1) - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
    Test::Harness (3pm) - Run Perl standard test scripts
    with statistics
    Test::Harness::Assert (3pm) - simple assert
    Test::Harness::Iterator (3pm) - Internal Test::Harness Iterator
    Test::Harness::Straps (3pm) - detailed analysis of test results
    Test::More (3pm) - yet another framework for
    writing test scripts
    Test::Simple (3pm) - Basic utilities for writing tests
    Test::Tutorial (3pm) - A tutorial about writing
    really basic tests
    udevtest (8) - simulates a udev run to test the
    configured rules
    unzip (1) - list, test and extract
    compressed files in a ZIP archive
    validate [File::CheckTree] (3pm) - run many filetest checks
    on a tree
    XS::APItest (3pm) - Test the perl C API
    XS::Typemap (3pm) - module to test the XS typemaps
    distributed with perl

  • Edward Rudd

    Edward Rudd - 2005-04-20

    Logged In: YES

    Or more specifically the orignal man page I was trying to
    search for

    root]# man -k saslauthd
    saslauthd (8) - sasl authentication server

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2005-04-20

    Logged In: YES

    Does adjusting the 'Manual pages directories' option on the
    Module Config page help with this problem? Perhaps you could
    set it to /usr/share/man

  • Edward Rudd

    Edward Rudd - 2005-04-20

    Logged In: YES

    I had already tried that.. it didn't solve the issue.
    which you are adding /usr/man and /usr/share/man in the
    set_manpath so it should matter what is in that config field.

    Does webmin run the man -k as a root or another user?

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2005-04-20

    Logged In: YES

    The man -k command is run as root..
    You should try running it in the Command Shell module, to
    see if the same output is produced.


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