

Burkhard Schmidt Ulf Lorenz

WavePacket background: Physics & Numerics

In order to solve Schrödinger's equations, as well as classical, quantum classical and quantum Liouville equations in an efficient and accurate manner, WavePacket has a set of numerical standard techniques built-in. Being very versatile, it allows for a choice of various Hamiltonian operators, different initial states as well as different boundary conditions. Moreover, WavePacket can also be used to solve sets of coupled(!) Schrödinger or Liouville equations occuring for problems featuring fast and slow degrees of freedom (or light and heavy particles). In particular, it allows to simulate non-adiabatic transitions of heavy particles' wavefunctions occurring predominantly at (avoided) crossings or (conical) intersections of light particles' eigenenergy hypersurfaces.

Detailed descriptions can also be found in our articles describing the Matlab/Octave version of WavePacket


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Wiki: Numerics.LvNE
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Wiki: Numerics.Schroedinger
Wiki: Numerics.TDSE
Wiki: Numerics.TISE
Wiki: Numerics.Thermal
Wiki: Numerics.TimeStepConvergence